
A Light

*Katie again looks up at Con who is standing the in doorway.*

"Con..please..you need to go to work I dont want you to lose you job cuz of me."

*Katie's mind races not being able to land on one single thing. Her mind was in tourcher as it acked to hold Jason, to slap the crap oput of him and tell him to snap out of it. Katie just wanted to be rid of the pain that was held inside.*

*A small smile corss Nate face as Laura talks, yet a certin look of sympithy and compastion was in his eyes. Laura was having a hard time with this and Nate new that. Was he upset with Laura, No he wasent is was that simple and though he was upset with Con, Nate couldent blame him. He too would probley be the same way with Maggie. Nate holds Laura for a long moment as she talks just offering her the comfort she needed as he feels her tremble. As Her hand touches Nate's face for a moment he closes his eyes just taking in her touch. It was so soft, so sweet. Opening his eyes he takes his finger and puts it under Laura's chin and puts alittle pressure on it making Laura look up at him. For along moment Nate searches Laura's eyes his emotions stairing back in his own. Moving his finger from her chin he brings it to the side of his face his thumb whiping away the tears.*

"I promise I wont give up on you Laura...No matter what I wont."

*Nate leans down and gives Laura a small kiss on the forhead.*

*As Katie's mind twists and turns her thoughts her body shakes. As Katie lays on the bed her mind in darkness a suddon flicker of light flashes. It was faint but it was there. For a moment the courners were lit. Katie can feel a presence enter her room. As Katie fell a wet toung on her hand Katie gives alittle jump. That wasent Henry's toung it was to big. Slowly opening her eyes Katie looks down as the small dog laying on her bed. Lifting her hand slowly Katie pats the dogs head and smiles. Not even need to look up she whispers as her body relaxes.*

"Hey Scotty."

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