
I'm sorry

*Katie gives alittle moan as Con picks her up. Feeling her head hit the soft pillow she turns her head trying to bring Con into focus.*

"Con is..that you."

*Katie shivers pulls the cover up ove her more. Katie trys to think about what could be wrong, she couldent have been poisoned she'd been with Scott all of yesterday, work and home. But this did feel more than a normal cold.*

"Con...I...think I'm ok. I just need sleep. I think its just my..."

*KAtie sucks in a sharp breath.*

"...just my emotions taking a toll on me. I havent been eating much or sleeping. I'm pritty sure its only that."

*Katie closes her eyes feeling the room spin. Katie trys to stay calm, trys to push everything away in her mind, trys to relax. It was gonna be ok, it was gonna be ok.*

*Jamie looks at Scott and nods.*

"I guess so. Thanks Scott."

*Jamie walks back to her desk not to worryed. Susanne said Con was with Katie so that ment she was going to be ok. Jamie felt sorry for poor Katie and even more for Jason. This time apart must be killing them both. They were so use to doing everything together and now they had to spend time alone. Jamie could understand why Katie would be feeling crappy.*

*As Nate hears a tap on the cubicle wall he turns and is a bit saprised to see Laura standing there. Nate wasent sure if she was going to yell at him for last night or not but the look on her face told him something differnt. Studing her for a moment Nate trys to prodict her actions. He felt more of a jerk for how he acted than upset with Laura. As Laura eases herself down on Nates lap and wraps her arms around him he is again a bit taken back. Not hesatating the little bit of anger Nate did have vanished wraping his arms tight but gently around Laura resting his head ontop of hers her holds her close offering her comfort, and protection as her tears come.*

"Laura, I'm so sorry."

*Nate takes one of his hands and rubs Laura's back not caring she was geting his shirt wet. He just lets her cry leting is all out.*

"shhh...its ok Laura. Its gonna be ok."

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