
Lunch for all

*Katie's attachen goes to Scott as he sneezes and his eyes. Katie new what was happing. As Domino starts to bark at Henry Katie turns the blankets back and swings her legs around Trying to stand to get Henry but stops as Domino barks again and Henry takes off. Siting back down Katie shakes her head alittle.*

"Sorry Scotty. At least I know now for next time though to keep Henry away. I have some allergy medicen in the bathroom is you need any."

*Katie slowly stands again at Scotts offer for something to eat. Walking slowly over to her closet she picks out some clothing. Turning around she heads tword the bed room door.*

"Gives me 15 min to shower and clean up and we can go together. I think I would like that."

*Katie smiles and reaches for the remote to the tv and throws it to Scott.*

"Make you self at home. This is like me own little apartment."

*Katie smiles and exits the room closing the door so Henry doent find his way back into the room.*

*Misty smiles at Carson as she gives his arm a hug as they walk back to the main floor.*

"Lets see...tonight tonight tonight..."

*Misty flashes Carson a saucy smile.*

"I think I am busy...I cant remember but I think my hot Austrailen boyfriend is taking me somewhere. If you wanna fight him for me, be my guest. But I think he would win."

*Misty stands on tiptoes and gives Carson a quick kiss as a giggle escapse her lips. How good it was to be home.*

*As Nate walks with Laura's hand in his out the door he smiles. Now that Laura accepted him Nate was going to let her lead. He would be himself and have alittle edge, but he wouldent only go as fast as Laura wanted and he would be happy. Opening Laura's door Nate smiles before shuting it.*

"So...I get to stop fighting to pay for you food and can just do it now right?"

*Nate smerks shuting the door and sliding in the driverside next to her.*

"Lets go to Mom and Pop's. At this time of day they shouldent be to busy"

*Nate pulls out of TJY and heads down the road. Before to long Nate enters Mom and Pop's Laura's hand in his. Stoping Nate looks around for a good place to sit. Seeing Wyatt Nate smiles and gives alittle wave. As his eyes still scan they fall to rest on Con and Jamie. Nate cant help but feel a bit of a chill but knows there is something he needs to talk to Con about anyways. But should he walk up to him first or wait. Nate continplates in his mind. Should he even bother him when he is with Jamie?*

*Jamie smiles as Con slips in across from her. A pizza and breadstix were waiting on the table as steam rolls off them it is clear is hadent been long there. Standing alittle Jamie leans over the table avoiding the foor and gives Con a kiss returning to her seat.*

"Hey Hun. My day is going pritty good. Quiet, Misty is home now. It was good seeing her."

*Jamie gives herself and Con a slice of pizza and some breadstick as her mom walks over giving Jamie a refill and Con something to drink. Stoping for a moment to talk but hurrying away as its a busy day.*

"Oh ya, Reese is calling a meeting in the rec room tomarrow. Something heavy about TJY. I can tell but how he informed us. He new I was coming to see you for lunch as asked me to let you know he wanted you there tomarrow as well. So if You can get off work that would be great, and I think its really important to Reese you do."

*Jamie takes a bit of her pizza and turns her head as the bell on the door opens as Nate and Laura walk in.*

*Finally making it to the auto shop Aerith gets her car and pays. Pulling out of the shop she makes a left and just drives. Make turns here and there Aerith finally relizes once again she is lost. Pulling into the parking lot of a small restront. Figuring she could ask for directions inside her tummy grumbles. She was a bit hungry ontop of it. Geting out of her car she locks the doors and heads inside. As she enters she eyes rest on Wyatt. Today she looked alittle bit better than yesterday. She hair was combed straght and not fizzed all over. She was dressed a bit nicer too. Giving alittle smile and wave Aerith heads to the front counter and sits down not going over to Wyatt and intruding on his space.

When Mable comes over Aerith orders a cheery coke, and slice of mushroom pizza.*

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