

*Nate's own anger serges at Con's comment. That was hiting below the belt. Nate wasent an angrey person or one to get back but Con had pushed to far.*

"I dont think I have messed Laura up at all Con. I take intrest in your sister and I care for her. Not everyone is out to hurt her. Open your eyes and see that."

*Nate stands tall infront of Con even though he still has to look up he wasent scaired of him.*

"So excuse me, but I will hang out with who I want when I want and I am not going to be bullyed by you. A million other people might be scaired of you Con but I'm not one of them. And dont EVER put me in the same category as that monster that hurt Laura. I'd never harm a hair on her head. "

*Nate himself steps closer to Con as if challanging him. Nate was mad, Nate was being pushed and he was tired of it.*

*As Katie calms down alittle bit she lays back on her bed with Henry peting is head. Finally Katie falls asleep as her mind is filled with many differnt things, Scott's kiss, Jason's cold eyes, Scotts warm eyes, Jason's lifelessness. Katie's world was spinning once again and she couldent stop it. Sooner or later it would be out of controll and she would fall deeper than she already was.*

*Misty nods at Carson.*

"Sounds like a plain to me. To be honnest I am gonna like geting on normal time again. We are gonna have to grab some stuff to take back for everyone though before we leave."

*Misty wraps her arms around Carson's neck and her lips touch his taking in the moment, the sun, the warm air.*

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