
We are back

*Katie cant help but let out a genuine laugh as Domino and Scott perform there tricks. Finding the strength to sit up more Katie props her pillows aganst the wall and leans back giving short claps as Domino starts to get Dizzy. Once they are done and Domino jumps up on the bed and starts to lick her Katie cant help but squeel with laughter again. Katie heart and shoulders deffintly felt lighter. As the laughing continues. Finally Domino stops and Katie pets her chin and ears.

Henry makes his way into Katie's room and he hears voices. Sniffing Scott's feet for a moment he wonders who this newcomer was. Jumping up on the bed Henry stops dead in his tracks seeing the dog. Henry's back arches and his fer puffs up as Henry lets out a hiss saying he is non to happy Domino is on the bed.

Katie looks at Henry for a moment and pats the bed next to her.*

"Come here you silly goose. I havent forgoten about you. There is enough room for both of you in my heart.*

*Katie smiles at Henry again and than looks to Domino. Still pating the bed for Henry to come over.

Slowly Henry backs away his back still arched and his fer puffed out as he eyes Domino waiting to see what will happen next.*

*Misty smiles at Carson stealing another quick kiss as she enters TJY. Giving a small wave around the main floor and greeting those that were there. Misty was nervouse but new where her next stop was. Making her was to Reese's office Misty nods at Susanne and opens her uncles door. She felt wierd. It must be stange seeig someone you though was dead. Entering Misty gives alittle smile.*

"Hi Uncle Reese."

*Nate smiles as He see Misty and gives alittle wave. Seeing Carson with her and the look on both there faces he nods to him as if saying see ya did good. Nate felt good knowing Misty was back. It was lonly with out her and less than quiet. Just seeing Carson without her a well was like see a lake without water.

Finishing up his work Nate stands shuts off his computer grabing his keys and his sun glasses he walks over to Laura's desk.*

"I'm set if you are so we can grab that lunch now."

*Aerith exits her grandmothers house leting her know she would be back soon. Heading down the road Aerith follows the instructions that the auto shop had given her. They had goten her car that morning and changed the tires already. Aerith hadent been there more than 24 hours yet and her grandmother was already driving her up the wall about everything. She dident dress right, her hair wasent right, when was she going to go back to NYC, when this when that. Aerith was happy when the shop called.

Geting to the shop finally Aerith waits for her car in the little waiting room continplating what she would do next. She new she dident want to go home. Maybe she would find herway around town alittle bit, get lost again and who knows find something to do.*

*As Jamie heads out of TJY and gets into her car she pulls out her cell phone and calls Con.*

"Hey you...we still on for lunch?"

*Jamie pulls out of the TJY parting lot and heads down the road.*

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