

Scott grins a little at Katie's comment to Domino, then shakes his head. "Don't thank me. I needed to get out of the office anyway."

Suddenly, his cellphone rings on his belt, the ringtone a classical Mozart piece. Rolling his eyes, he answers it. "Yeah? Oh, hi...no...it's what? ....Okay, well quit the program and restart the computer. Right....well force quit it....yeah...just restart the whole thing and see if that works out the kink. Alright...yeah, bye."

Hanging up, Scott throws a grimace at Katie. "They follow me everywhere, I tell ya."

Domino gives a little yip as if agreeing.

Scott raises his eyebrow. "Oh really?"

Domino wiggles with excitement again and stands up to crawl to Scott, licking his hand. "What's that?" Scott leans down closer to her. "Okay...I'll let you, but you better be on your best behavior." He points to the floor.

Needing nothing more than that, Domino obediently hops off the bed, turns around and sits, waiting further instructions. Scott cocks his head at her. "Why don't you tell Katie how old you are?"

Domino gives two short barks.

"Hey, now, you forgot you had a birthday last week."

The dog cocks her head as if confused, then barks three times.

"Ah, that's right. Now, show Katie what happens when you ride the merry-go-round at the park." Scott lifts his finger and twirls it in the air above the dog.

Domino starts to spin around in fast little circles, finally stopping and sprawling out on the floor as if too dizzy to go on.

Scott grins. "Quick! There's a fire in the house!"

Domino shoots back up and grabs Scott's pantleg in her teeth, trying to pull him to the door.

"Oops, false alarm."

Domino stops and growls.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. Truce?" Scott holds out his hand.

The little dog sits and offers her paw, accepting the handshake.

Scott lets her go, then sighs then nods to the bed. "Okay. Quit showing off and go tell Katie you hope she feels better."

Domino jumps back up on the bed and crawls over the blanket, her stubby tail wagging again. She goes up to Katie's face and licks her several times.

"Alright, don't get carried away," Scott chides.

Domino backs off a little bit, but stares at Katie, daring her to pet her again.

Carson leads the way to the door at TJY and stops, taking a deep breath. "Well, Sassy, it's home sweet home. There's some people here who are going to be mighty glad to see you." He opens the door for her. "After you."

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