

Scott's eyes widen as Henry enters the room. He hadn't known Laura and Katie had a cat. He watches Henry sniff around and get up on the bed, but as soon a he's close, Scott's eyes start to water.

Domino looks around at Henry and sniffs, but doesn't seem to care much about the cat, and turns back to Katie, begging for more petting.

Scott's nose starts to itch, his eyes beginning to burn and he stands up, not knowing whether he should take the cat out or leave the room himself. He stifles a sneeze and Domino looks at him as if wondering what on earth his problem was. Sneezing again, Scott's eyes start to get red and he takes his glasses off, wiping the tears from his eyes.

Domino takes in the scene and as if knowing now what was happening, she gets up and gives a short "ruff" to Henry, whose hair is still on end, his tail puffed up three times as big as normal. He lets out another hiss, but Domino doesn't care, and gives a little bark again, and jumps toward Henry to scare him off the bed.

With a growl, Henry retreats and hops to the floor, throwing one last glare to he bed before trotting out of the room and heading for Laura's bed instead.

Scott blinks and wipes his eyes again, looking back at Katie. "Sorry," he apologizes. "I didn't realize you had a cat. I can handle cat hair around the house, but bring one close and my allergies go nuts."

Domino goes the doorway and seeing that her job was successful, she jumps back up on the bed to claim back the warm spot by Katie.

Scott shakes his head with slight amusement. "Well, Katie, you look right perky at the moment. Lunch is going to be in a while..." He looks at her, unsure if she'd want an invitation or not...after the evening before, he just wasn't quite sure about anything between them at the moment. But he didn't want to just ignore the fact that it was time for a mid-day meal. "I can go out and pick something up for you if you want..."

Reese looks up as Misty and Carson enter, and immediately stands from his desk. "Oh, Misty." He envelops her in a big hug. "My word....I can't tell you how good it is to see you." He stands back just to look at her. "I can't thank God enough for bringing you back."

His eyes drift to Carson. "Thanks for going."

Carson feels a little awkward... he'd received a nod from Nate, a thanks from Reese...had he really done something right for once?

After giving the two a briefing about what's been happening, Reese informs them that tomorrow there will be a TJY-wide meeting downstairs in the rec room, regarding the future. In the meantime, they're free to get settled, do work, or whatever.

Carson stifles a yawn as they exit the office, and looks to Misty. "Well...I really need to go down to that apartment complex and see if they've got one vacant...Wyatt thinks they might even still have my old one available. You got plans for tonight?"

Laura gets up from her desk and picks up her purse, finding herself giving Nate a small smile. "I'm ready..." As she exits her cubicle, she slips her hand into Nate's for the stroll to the door.

Con answers his phone and is just a little hard to hear over the sound of the forklift in the background. "Yeah...I got to be here twenty more minutes, but I'll meet you down at Mom and Pop's. Go ahead and order if you want, you know what I like."

It takes him a little longer than twenty minutes, but Con is finally able to leave work, and hurries to the restaurant. Finding Jamie at their regular booth, he leans down to give her a kiss, then slides in the seat across from her. "Hey...how's your day going?"

Wyatt looks up from the table at the front window and sees Con and Jamie, giving them a little wave. It wasn't unusual to be here at the same time, though they didn't normally eat together. Today was Wyatt's pizza day and he was enjoying two thick pieces by himself, taking his time before he had to get back to work.

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