
What is this?

*Nate smiles at Laura and thinks for a moment.*

“Well…let me see….”

*Nate turns for a moment looking at a calendar. Than slowly back to Laura not being able to help the smile that crossed his face.*

“Well it looks like I’m free. Lunch sounds great.”

*Nate smile as Laura. He new she was trying and he would still be pashent, waiting for when she was ready. No he wouldent give up, he would be there for her always. Turning back around Nate goes back to his work to finish up before lunch.*

*Katie nods at Con and gives him alittle wave.*

"Dont worry to much big brother. I'm in good hands. And tell that mean boss of yours to get a life."

*Katie cant help but let forth a wery smile. After Con leave she turns her attachen back to Scott and Domino. Gently peting Domino's soft fer.*

"Its ok, I like the company I have right now."

*Katie looks down at Domino her voice still soft and low.*

"Yes are you a cute puppy."

*Katie cocks her head on the pillow and laughs.*

"You know say, ya your master isent that bad eather."

*Katie looks up at Scott. She was feeling better already and it was strange. When her eyes had been closed she saw a light than Scott was there, her body started to relax and the horrable feelings she was having were starting to vanish. Was is Scott himdelf that chased away her fears? Katie searches his eyes for a moment. What was it about Scott, was someone trying to tell her something?*

"Thank you Scott. For coming to see me. It means alot."

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