
Look down

Continuing to stay bent down next to Scott Hope dosnt move. Just staying by Scott giving him space between them to breath. Just listing just watching.

As Scott hangs his head and gives his sorrys to Hope, she frowns her brow for a moment. Reaching out a hand she lifts Scott held slightly.

"Dont looks down on yourself, and dont be sorry when you did nothing wrong. Accidents happen and can'tbe helped."

Continuing to watch Hope trys her best for her new pashent that was with her. He needed help and she wanted to help, she wanted him to find trust in her. She new this was going to be a great challange but it was one she was willing to take.

Walking over to Scott Hope just looks at him for a moment and cocks her head slightly. Reaching out her hand Hope takes Scott's in her own bringing her other hand to his chin she lifts his head to look him in his eyes.

"Keep your head up, that is the first step. You have no reason to look down on yourself of on the world. You need to show them you they didnt win. Come on lets go back to my office and talk a little more and we will decied if you want to stay her for a little bit or just come back in a few days"