

Carson purses his lips in thought. "Downstairs, huh?" He lets Sapphire's information sink in. "Is there any way we can find out who's been down there? No one's been in or out... so it had to have been someone from here."

Rick is quick to walk to Hope, glad that she had arrived so fast. He stands with her near the counter, giving a deep sigh. “We don’t know,” he answers quietly. “That’s why we need you.”

He tries to giver her all the information he could in the smallest nutshell he could. “During interrogation, Scott has revealed information used by his captors when he was abducted. We have reason to believe that they only would have given him this information, had he turned to their side. He claims he doesn’t really know the information, or doesn’t remember gaining it, but when pressured, he can answer the right questions.”

Rick sighs, trying to think straight. “We have someone who used to work for the Agency that explained their assimilation program… if that’s what Scott went through, then he has computer data stored in his own brain… but again… they only do that if their victim is on their side. Scott’s basically under arrest for treason at this point, though it’s unofficial. And… who beat him up and why? Your guess is as good as mine.”

Hearing voices, Scott slits open his eyes. Who was Rick talking to? Rolling over onto his back and using his elbows to prop himself up a little, he spots Hope. He knew Rick must have called her.

His face grows red and his eyes narrow. “You s…” He stops himself from calling Rick names, and starts again, his voice hoarse and forced. “Get her out of here.”

Rick’s eyes widen at Scott’s angry tone. He couldn’t remember ever seeing him angry. “Scott, hang on, just…”

“I said get her out of here!” Scott’s voice raises this time. His eyes avoid looking at Hope and remain on Rick. “You shouldn’t have called her!”

“I thought you’d…”

“Well you thought wrong,” Scott snaps. He glares at Rick. “You should have just kept…” He cuts himself off as his own tension and movement causes his ribcage to hurt. Wincing, he sinks back down. Rolling over onto his side, he turns his back on them again. A tear trickles down, dropping onto the bedsheets. “Leave me alone,” he mumbles.

"Jason... you wanted to know when Ryder got back." Laura calls Jason on the phone, pretending as though she didn't know why he'd wanted to know that. She knew... but she didn't know what she could do for him, other than be a listening ear if he ever wanted it.

Jason takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "Okay... thanks." Hanging up, he just stares at his office door for several moments. He could just sit here... like he was supposed to. Or... he could take Wyatt those printouts he'd wanted the other day...

Picking up the small stack of papers, Jason rises from his desk. His gun and badge were on his belt... and though his eyes were bloodshot, he held his head high. He snaps his fingers for Trooper to follow him, and he heads out into the hall.

He aims toward the main floor, his jaw tight, his stride purposeful. Anyone looking at him would say that this was his territory. Getting to the end of the hall, he's stopped by Hal.

Hal's eyes apologize, but he puts his arm out. "Sorry, Jase, you know what Reese said."

"I know, I know." Jason holds up his papers. "I gotta take these to Wyatt, that's all, alright?" He sighs. "I'll stay away from the computer."

Hal purses his lips, then nods. "Okay."

"Thanks." Jason slips past and onto the main floor. Trooper stays at his heel, sensing his master's authoritative stance. Heading down the row of cubicles, Jason's eyes roam towards the door. He hadn't wanted to stop. He hadn't really wanted to catch anyone's attention. But it doesn't work that way. Instead, his feet suddenly feel like lead weights and he stops dead.

Derek and Jay follow Ryder into TJY, both on edge, just wanting answers. As they reach the main floor, Derek scans the room. He'd heard that they had quite the setup here, but even so, it was still somewhat of a surprise.

Walking forward, his eyes suddenly land on someone coming from the hallway. A cold chill runs down his spine. There was no doubt in his mind who this tall young man was. A part of him had hoped that he might have some time before coming face to face with Jason, but it looked like he had no such luck. He stops, letting Jay and Ryder continue, both clueless about the eyes that had locked.

Jason can only stare. He didn't know what he felt. He didn't know what he thought. He'd purposely thought up an excuse to come out here, but now that he was here, he regretted that decision.

Derek looks back at the same eye level. Half a room separated them, yet they were worlds apart. But... why would Jason even know who he was? Austin had told him years ago that Jason thought he was dead. It was just coincidence that they had seen each other like this. Would Jason question their similar looks? Would he question who he really was? Did he even know he was coming? Had he already put tow and two together? He didn't know.

Jason's stomach gives as lurch. He'd give anything to have Katie with him right now. Trooper lets out a low growl, and Jason doesn't bother to quiet him. Instead, he finally drops his gaze and continues his route to Wyatt's desk. It was right past Derek.

Derek steps to the side, letting him sidle past, still at a loss for words or actions.

Jason strides by as if not caring about this stranger in their midst. Getting to Wyatt's desk, he hands over the papers, then turns to leave again. He would go back to his office. He'd seen what he'd come for. He knew that Derek surely must who he was... but it was better they didn't talk. Jason didn't care to exchange words with this man anyway. There was nothing to say.

As Jason starts to shoulder back past Derek, a hand on his arm stops him. He throws a look in Derek's direction, questioning the move.

Derek swallows hard. "You must be Jason."

"That's right."

"I'm Derek." He extends his hand.

But the gesture is ignored. "I know who you are," Jason retorts.

Derek searches Jason's face, confused. Jason did know? "You... but..."

"Hotshot!" Reese barks at him from near the hall. Not only did he not want Jason out here, he didn't want any confrontations either.

Jason takes a step back, still looking at Derek. "I hope they weren't wrong to call you," he growls. "But if it'll help bring Katie back, so be it."

Derek opens his mouth, but hesitates. "I... I haven't been told anything."

"Then why don't you go find out?"

Derek's pulse was racing. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to act. Did he just walk away? Did he just ignore the fact that this was his son? "I... I will. But I was hoping to talk to you sometime."

"About what? Abandonment?" Jason scoffs. "No thank you."

Derek's heart sinks. "But... I thought you didn't know about me."


"I don't understand." Derek's confusion overrode any other emotions for the moment. "Austin said..." His voice trails off as he reads Jason's face. "You... never thought I was dead?"

"Dead?" Jason's eyebrows shoot up. "That woulda been a better excuse, but I'm not that stupid. Why would I have thought that? Everything else has been a cruel reality, why not you too?"

"But Austin said..."

"Hotshot!" Reese yells again. "In your office now!"

Jason throws Derek one last glance before turning away. He was done here. On the way back to his office though, his heart began to ache. This was all wrong. This meeting hadn't been at all like he'd expected. And why would Derek have thought that he believed he was dead? Something didn't seem right. He wanted to be too mad to care. But the anger wasn't quite as strong as it had been earlier... somehow seeing Derek in person had put a damper on the hate. Why, he didn't know. But he was sure he'd have to interact more with Derek before this thing was over.

Derek helplessly watches Jason walk away. What had just happened? Had he really just met his son? It seemed all wrong. Shaking his head, he slowly traces Ryder and Jay's steps to the other end of the room.

Ryder is waiting for him, to introduce him to Nate. "Derek, this is Nate Driers. He's in charge of the investigation."

Derek extends his hand, trying to push aside the strange meeting with Jason. "Nice to meet you."

Jay had just met Nate, and he sighs deeply. "Would someone please tell me what's going on with my daughter? Why are we here? What's really going on?"

Derek nods his agreement to the questions and looks to Nate. "Yes... neither of us know what's going on."

Carson hears the new voices a few cubicles back, and he strategically moves himself in front of the monitor so no one could accidentally see what he was watching. Not until Nate had a chance to explain things.

Jason stalks back to his office, regretting ever having come out. He hadn't given Derek the upper hand, but he hadn't kept it either. And why had Austin been mentioned in that context? Why had Derek thought that Jason would think him dead? Had Austin really gone as far to tell Derek that? Right about now, Jason wouldn't put anything past him. But what did that mean? And was that really what Derek meant?
For the first time, Jason wondered if a civil conversation wouldn't be a bad thing, if only to figure out the facts.

Reaching his office, he slams his door shut and goes to slump down in his chair, burying his face in his arms again. Never had he felt so alone.

Clint is standing next to Wendy as she’s propped up in the bed while Angel performs the ultrasound. His hand is holding hers, for the first time, a bit of excitement shone in his eyes.

Then the news.

Clint’s eyes widen to the size of saucers. He blinks and looks at the screen. Even he could see it. It didn’t take a doctor to figure it out. He blinks. He looks to Angel almost for help, then to Wendy. He blinks again as his knees start to buckle. Twins.

Sinking down, he slides to the floor, his back against the bed, Wendy’s hand still in his. Sitting for a moment, his shoulders suddenly start to shake, even moving the bed. Without seeing his face, one might think he had started having convulsions.

But it wasn’t convulsions. Clint takes a breath, gasping for air, his face red. His silent laughter eventually bubbles out, and he pulls Wendy’s hand close to his face, giving it a kiss.

Finally bringing himself under control, he just sits. Craning his neck, he looks up at Wendy, his eyes glistening. With all the emotions built up, the only thing he could do was laugh. He couldn’t cry. He couldn’t run away. He couldn’t change a thing.

He chokes on another laugh and squeezes Wendy’s hand. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes. He closes his eyes and shakes his head, his quirky grin remaining. Looking at her again, he interlocks his fingers with hers even though he stays on the floor. He didn’t even know what to say. Neither had wanted a baby… certainly they hadn’t wanted more than one. But they were going to have them, they would be a family, and they would make it. The only words Clint could think of were spoken from his heart. “I love you.”