
Good rains

*Nate helps Carson up and follows close behind Carson. As they head to the door and Nate see Frankie down the hall her slowly breaks off from the group going back around to where the windows was. Checking it he slids it open and slips inside quietly.*

*Frankie comes to a halt as he hears Carson's voice. Frankie growls back at him.*

"So you came like she said you would? I should of known. You should of just let her go Carson, she's to good for the likes of you and I wont give her up without a fight. Not this time, Now get out of my way before you pay.*

*Frankie takes a few steps twords Carson still holding Misty.*

*Nate slowly opens the door stepping behind Frankie. Pointing the gun at the back of his head.*

"He might be sorry, but to me it looks like your the one who is going to pay if you dont do what he said and drop her."

*Nate keeps his gun point at Frankie.*

*Frankie halts as he feels Nate's gun to his head.*

"You want me to drop her fine."

*Frankie take Misty from his shoulder and throws her out in front him.*

*Nate takes a step forward as he see Misty hurled through the air.*

*The distraction is just enough for Frankie to bring his arm around and knock Nate in the head sending him to his feet. Wasting no time Frankie is on top of Nate trying to wrestal the gun from him.*

*Nate lands with a loud thud and before he can even think Frankie is on top of him. Bringing his legs underneath him and he pushes sending him flying through the air. Nate quickly gets to his feet as Frankie comes at him again. His strength was unbelievable. Nate strugles with Frankie a bit more and in a grufe voice.*

"Frankie give it up before you get hurt, Your not right, let us get you some help."

*Frankie eyes burn as Nate talks as on the inside his cry for help continunes.*

"I wont give up, I wont let my weakside win."

"This anger Frankie is your weakside, this will be your down fall."

"NO, its not."

*Frankie grabs the gun and Nate hand trying to push it twords him, back and forth back and forth once again. Nate pushes and than Frankie sends a fist into the side of his face Nate's gun goes flying. Frankie lunges for the gun and grabs it right as Nate goes to jump on him Frankie side steps and Frankie ams the gun at Nate's face.

Nate looks up at Frankie fast the barrel his words trying to shatter the thick anger.*

"Please Frankie, think of your sister."

*Frankie finally snaps again his face showing softness and confustion the gun in his hand.*


*He whispers, droping the gun he turns to his sister.*

"What have a done."

*Frankie takes a few steps towrds her again untill Nate grabs him and wrestals him to the ground puting his knee in his back and holding his arms behinf him.*


Morgan hears a bullet zing past his ear and he ducks around the corner again, sprinting back to the door.

Carson lies motionless for several moments, but finally lets out a bit of a groan, rolling himself onto his back. He moves a hand to his left shoulder and draws back, his fingers covered in blood. “Aw, dang.”

He winces, his shoulder feeling as if it were on fire. “Misty’s inside,” he manages to Nate. “I saw her. We have to get to her.”

By now, Reese is kneeling by him as well, his tone hushed. “Come on, can you get up?”

“Yeah.” Carson uses Nate to pull himself up, staggering for a moment and trying to get his bearings, trying to ignore the excruciating pain. “Where’s the shooter?”

Reese points. “He went that way, around the corner.” Seeing Carson start forward in the lead again, he tries to stop him. “Carson, wait…” Too late, he was already around the side of the building. Reese rolls his eyes and motions Nate ahead of him, taking up the rear once more.

Carson holds a hand to his wound, concentrating on his task, not his injury. Keeping a wary eye, he sees no one around, then finally spots the door. Opening it cautiously, he peeks inside, then steps into the narrow hall. Just as he does, he sees Frankie emerge a ways down with Misty slung over his shoulder.

Raising his pistol with both hands, Carson barks at him. “Frankie! Put her down or die!”

Outside, Morgan sneaks up behind Reese, but his foot lands on a branch that snaps. Reese whirls around just in time to duck a flying fist, then lands his own on Morgan’s jaw, followed by an elbow to the side of the face, a jab to the ribs, then a chop to the back of the neck, sending Morgan to the ground unconscious.


*Nate round the courner and follows Carson slowly. As Carson lifts his hand to bring them to a halt Nate press his back aganst the wall. Waiting, listoning for the next move. As the shots go off in the blink of an eyes Nate gives a jump and lifts his own fire arm and shoots to where the shot had come from. Not seeing a figure where there once was Nate crwals over to Carson keeping his sencses up though in case he hadent hit his target.*

"Carson, CARSON."

*Frankie enters the room and Morgan leaves gathering stuff in a bag fast. This was going to get out of hand and he needed to get himself and Misty out. He couldent let them catch they, he couldent let his sister slip away again.*

*Misty lifts her head as she hears shots. A suddon hope searging...they come. Looking at her brother and seeing him franticly pack she pleeds.*

"Frank....please just let me go. They have come, just let me go and so can you. Please...I need help before its to late."

*Frankie continues to franticly pack his stuff Morgan would give him enough time to get away.*

"I'll get you to saftly little sis, You'll be ok."

*Frankie goes to untie Misty to only meet her eyes for a moment.*

*MIsty stairs back at her brother seeing the softness of the brother she new as her own for a moment.*

"Frank please, let me go."

"Let you go...what happend? Yes I'll let you..."

*As fast as Frankie softness came it when again to his cold hard eyes.*

"Not on your life. I'm not leting you go."

*Again Frankie fights with himself inside his softness true side wanting to come why was he doing this? He dident want to hurt his sister but this anger it had taken over and he dident know how to stop it.

Picking Misty up he slings her over his shoulder and heads for the door.*

Shot fired

Carson roll his eyes, barely visible in the dark. “Yeah, you forgot to say we could shoot Frankie on sight.” He throws Nate a look that doesn’t promise he won’t do just that, but that it’s not his goal and he won’t let his anger interfere with rescuing Misty. “Let’s go.”

Carson takes the lead, walking quietly through the dark, Reese bringing up the rear. They make their way into the shadows, keeping close to the lifeless building. Skirting the edge, they try several doors that are locked, and finally round the back. Everything is quiet, but finally a light it spotted coming from a window in the far end. It looked like what could have once been an office that had been added on to the rest of the building.

Creeping closer, all three stay low and quiet.

Morgan whittles his stick down to nothing, and sweeps the shavings onto the floor. Glancing to Misty, he studies her, knowing that her condition wasn’t that bad from anything he or Frankie had done. It was obvious that she had something really wrong with her. It was unfortunate, but there wasn’t much he could do about it.

Getting up from the table, Morgan strides lazily across the room. Tomorrow…he would wait until tomorrow to let Carson sweat some more before calling him and playing a little game. It was heard to wait…he wanted this bad.

Arriving at the window, he takes a quick glance outside.

“Get back,” Carson hisses, waving Reese and Nate away from the light of the window.

Too late. Morgan spots a moving shadow and he bristles. Moving quickly away from the window, he grabs his gun from the table. “We got company,” he informs Frankie. “Keep an eye on the girl. I’m going to check it out.”

He doesn’t wait for a response, but heads out the door and into the narrow hall, heading to the end where the exit is. Quietly he turns the knob, and cautiously looks out into the night. He sees nothing…he hears nothing.

Carson holds out his hands to keep the other too still along with himself as the figure moves away from the window. Had they been spotted? Straightening again, he moves forward carefully, aiming for the window so they can get a look inside. Using only his hands, he motions to Nate and Reese where he’s headed for, telling them to hang back just a bit and give him room.

Nearing the window, Carson flattens himself against the wall and creeps forward.

Morgan moves silently around the edge of the building, his senses heightened. Rounding the corner, he suddenly spots the three figures he’d seen out the window. Tensing, he takes a stance with his gun.

Carson slowly moves enough so one eye can see into the window. A figure was huddled motionless in the corner. Was it…

His distraction and fear for Misty, however, are traded for better judgment, and he doesn’t see the movement to his right.

Morgan can just make out Carson’s face from the window’s light. So he did come…it was a whole lot sooner than Morgan would have guessed, and apparently he’d had help. This wasn’t what he’d planned…but the end result would be the same.

Raising his arm, he fires.

Carson goes down.

Make sure it dosnt

*Kaite sits up a little bit hearing Scott's side of the conversation. She could tell by the tone and look on Scott's face something was wrong. Once he is off the phone she waits for help to speak again knowing her own face convays a worry.*

"Misty is missing? Do they have any leads at all?"

*Katie leans back down across Scott lap leting out a sigh. She felt bad for everytime someone went missing. Wather is was the agency's doing or someone alse. The feeling she new all to well was not a good one. Feeling Scott squeeze her hand she relaxed alittle and felt good knowing she was safe. Siting up again Katie wraps her arms around Scott and gives him a squeeze knowing that would speak louder for her than any words spoken.*

*Aerith finally sits up her crying stoped for now. She felt ok, and she new she would be. God new his timing for this and she could only hope like Wyatt said she got right with the lord before it all happend. Reaching out Aerith grabs the glass of water that was on the table and takes a small sip before placing it down again and giving a small smile to Wyatt.*

"I think I'll be ok calling my step mom and dad. They are probley going to have the body shiped back to New York City and have the service there. I dont really care for it there but I know I should go anyways and I know God will be going with me. So I should be ok there."

*Aerith looks down at her hands for a moment reliving her memories of after her mother had married her step father and they all moved to the City. Aerith slowly truned into a city girl over time but her heart had always loved the less busy side of life.
As Aerith sits and thinks through things a sicking thought pass through her mind. Maybe there way a way for Wyatt to help.*

"Someone is going to need to go through my grandmother stuff, her house and everything selling the stuff no one wants and shiping the stuff out to whoever she left it to in her will. I can garintee my mom and step father wont come out to do it, so the task will be left to me since I am here anyways. I probley could use some help. Its only a house but it still holds memories, and I think it would be nice to have someone there with me. It wont be till I get back from whenever the service is but if you could find time I could use the help."

*Nate's mind moves a mile a minute as the move across town. Telling Carson where to turn, taking guess, and trying to use refrence to where Scott told him to go as well. Finally as they park alittle but away Nate gives a nod to Carson. Slowly geting out of the car he studys to gravel for a long moment.*

"There is more than one set. Eather Frankie has friends or he came and went alot. It looks like the same set of tire treds but that still dosent mean he does not have help. So far this has been to easy for him NOT to have a trap or something waiting. There is a 50/50 chanse he isent alone."

*Nate servays the area taking in the building, the grounds and playing sanareos in his head of how things could go down.Trying to do it in a hurry knowing they dident have to much time.*

"We dont have headsets or anyway to communacate so I would say we should be sticking together, but not to close. If something happens we want at least one of us to get out to get help. Check out the inside see if we cant see what we are upaganst. If its something we cant handle we back out and call for more back up."

*Nate scans Reese and Carson's faces for a moment.*

"I'd rather play it safe than stupid. Misty's life is in our hands for more than one reason but we need to make sure that dosent cloud our jegment."

*Nate pulls out his gun and checks the ammo as he talks.*

"Thats how I would do it. Can anyone think of something to add I might of left out? Or know of a better way?"

*Misty continues to listen to Morgan wanting to retort, wanting to shoot back her sassy comment but he brain just cant keep up. Her mind, spins and Misty feels like she is going to be sick. Her mouth was dry and the feeling of blood was in her throt. Trying to get her mouth wet to quench her thirst Misty trys to get her spit glands working only to feel more blood in her mouth. Finally spiting she looks down at the floor to find a there was in fact blood mixed in with her spit. This wasent good, this wasent good at all. This was moving faster than she thought she would. Still feeling some blood run from her mouth Misty lowers her head leting her eyes drift close. She couldent keep it up, she couldent keep her eyes open any longer. She was tired so very tired.*


Scott hangs up the phone, a bit confused and somewhat worried. “Misty’s missing,” he comments to Katie. “Nate and Carson are on it I guess.”

He sighs and leans his head back in the couch again, his hand finding Katie’s to give it a squeeze. “At least I know where you’re at.”

Wyatt just lets Aerith lean on him, wishing this were easier for her. “Is there anything I can do?” he asks quietly. “Can I help you tell the family or anything?”

Carson quirks an eyebrow and follows immediately after Nate. “Surely it’s not that easy.”

“Wait up.” Reese is right behind them, leaving the door open for those who have just arrived to take the body. Wyatt was with Aerith and he was now out of a vehicle.”

Carson holds up his keys and aims for the driver’s side. “Let the deputy drive?” he asks with sarcasm.

“The backseat is mine,” Reese retorts.

Within minutes, the three are speeding out of town toward the vacant company buildings.

It’s dark by now, and hard to see anything, but after a few turns and guesses at directions, Lexis comes into view. There were several large buildings next to each other in the middle of a lot with tall, unkempt grass. No lights were visible, creating an eerie atmosphere.

Carson parks the car a ways away alongside the road. “How about we just not announce our arrival yet.” He points to the gravel drive. “Someone’s been here.”

Reese nods. “Agreed. Nate, how do you think we should approach?”

Morgan concentrates on his whittling as Misty talks, avoiding eye contact with her. He shakes his head as a woodchip flies. “Sunuvagun. I never would have thought that about ol’ blood thirsty Carson. He’s the one that go me in trouble, you know. Always taking the jobs, making me look bad. Took credit for stuff I did…” He glares at his knife glinting in the glow of the single small light. “Now I finally got my chance to make him squirm for once. And apparently he’ll come after you – that makes his even better. You better pray though that he doesn’t actually come after and find you – ‘cause if he shows his face around here, he’s dead.”

Since I met him

*Nate listens to Scott jotting down the short directions he gives him on the back of the paper.*

"Misty went missing. Carson guessed it was her brother and we found this paper with the symbol on it. I new I new it from somewhere I just did not know if they have a warhorse here or not. Thanks again Scott."

*Nate hangs up the phone and lets out a sigh studying the paper for a long moment than turning to head for the door.*

"I dont have an address but Scott gave me rough directions. I think we can find it out."

*Nate steps off the pourch and heads for Carson's car.*

*Aerith leans into Wyatt letting her tears go for a long while till finally she calmed.*

"Thank you Wyatt, for being the one to come and tell me. I think in a sense it made it a little easyer."

*Aerith lets out a long sigh. Leting her mind wonder for a long while. She new the next step would be to tell her parents and that was something she wasent looking forward to.*

*As Morgan removes her gag Misty is a bit leery watching him going to sit back down she lets out a sigh thankful thats all he was doing. Hearing Morgan speak once more Misty is actully thankful, the conversation would help her stay awake. Her voice was low, but still help a certin stregnth.*

"I'm....sure he is not still on there side. Are they still looking for him? Probly but the people I work for they protect there own. Carson has been with us for sometime now and though its been a rough path He's made alot of good friends...who...who would risk there life for him."

*Misty takes in a deep breath and than lets it out slowly. Starting to speak again her voice is soft and quiet, her lips dry and starting to crack.*

"As for me, when it came to Carson I liked him the first time I saw him. I stuck with him through alot, and he has showed me more than one time he cares. I've gotten use to his quirks and they dont bother me anymore. He's differnt, maybe thats why I.....I like him so much."

*Misty grows silent again, playing back memories in her mind. The good times along with the bad. The sweet times came along as well bringing a smile to her face even through the great pain. Misty new she had to make it through this, she had to see Carson again. That alone drove her on to try and stay with it.*

Still hope

Scott smiles, just comfortable right where he was on the couch, cradling Katie. Loving her, and receiving her own affection was more than he ever could have asked for.

Leaning his head back, he's almost tired enough to doze off, but the phone ringing interrupts that thought. Sighing, he doesn't move, but keeps a hand on Katie, with the other, reaching over to the end table where his cordless was. "Yeah?" Hearing Nate's voice and the questions, he furrows his brow. "You mean Lexis?" He thinks for a moment. "Yeah, that was their logo. We got a bunch of equipment shipped from their warehouse in Utah a couple years ago."

Scott pauses again, his other hand absentmindedly running up and down Katie's arm. "They used to have a warehouse out between here and Kirkland. I went there once when we had a mixup in shipments. I'm not surprised they shut down - their service wasn't great. But their building was about ten miles out, going west. I don't remember what road it's on, but if you head out on highway nine, you can see it in the day time on the north side from a distance. It's a big place. Deserted, but big...why do you want to know?"

Wyatt brings his arm around Aerith to tuck her closer to him. Even though she and her grandmother hadn't gotten along, he knew it was still painful. "There wasn't any more you could have done," he soothes. "She didn't want to listen to you or get close to you. You couldn't have done anything more than you did. You were a fine witness, and that's all that was possible."

He gives her a little squeeze. "And who knows...maybe in her last hours she got right with God. There is still hope there."

Morgan leans back in his chair, whittling a stick with his newly-sharpened jackknife. He had been quiet for a long while, avoiding Frankie and just thinking. He hadn't called Carson for a ransom - something he had planned to do, but apparently had changed his mind about.

Out of the blue, and while Frankie is out of the room, Morgan stands and goes to Misty, taking the gag from her mouth. "No complaining," he orders gruffly.

Sitting back down, he speaks, aiming his speech towards her. "So...Carson's a changed man, huh. How'd he manage to get out from under the Agency? You sure he's not still on their side? They don't just let people go like that."

If Only

*Kaite laughs as she is in Scott's arms. Snuggling her face into his chest. One thing Katie had come to love about Scott was the way he smelled. Some people might think it was strange but Katie found it comforting.*

*Nate pulls out his phone dialing Scott's number. Hearing him pick up on the other end Nate paces the floor as he speaks.*

"Hey Scott, its Nate. Sorry to be calling you off dutie but I need some help. The company we get our computer stuff from there logo is a desktop with the globe behind it right? And if the answer is yes do you know if they used to have a plant here in Nevada?"

*Aerith perks up hearing Wyatt's voice. She was happy to know he was ok. As Wyatt enters the room though Aerith's smile slowly fades. As Wyatt takes her hands and the news hit her ears Aerith feels a cold shock wash over her. Her grandmother was...dead. Tears well in Aerith's eyes as she looks up at Waytt.*

"She...but...I should of check on her more. I should of been there. Oh Wyatt...She died alone, and old bitter woman."

*Aerith moves closer to Wyatt as a few tears escaper her eyes. She may not have cared for her but still it hurt. Weather is be from her passing or knowing she died not knowing the lord it hurt. Aerith could only with she had been there more to witness.*

"I know its not my fault, but still its hard not to think if only I had been there. Done something..."

*Aerith leans her head on Wyatt's shoulder as she just lets the tears fall for now.*


Carson nods to Nate without hesitation. “Call Scott. If he doesn’t know, we’ll get to TJY and look it up. This is the only thing we have to go on.”

Wyatt sets his jaw grimly, not looking forward to the job of breaking the news to Aerith, but he knew Nate was right. “Let me go talk to her now before anything else happens. When you find out where we’re headed, if I’m not caught up with you yet, call me.” Turning, he heads back out the door.

Scott takes in Katie’s kiss to return it, his one hand cradling her head, his other brushing her arm. Drawing back, he grins. “The company is always what makes or breaks a movie.”

Letting her rest across his lap, he combs his fingers through her hair, the love pouring from his eyes. “So I guess with you around, there will never be a movie I don’t enjoy watching.”

Wyatt knocks on Jamie’s door and after saying hi and being let in, he finds Aerith in the living room, watching tv. Easing himself down on the couch next to her, he gives a sigh, just studying her for a moment. “Aerith…there’s something important I need to tell you.”

He didn’t want to hurt her. He knew that she had a strong dislike for her grandmother, but even so, it was still her grandmother. “We were at your grandmother’s house…looking for Frankie…like you knew. And…”

Wyatt reaches over to take Aerith’s hand, trying to be as gentle as possible. “We, um…” How was he supposed to say this? “We…” He’d never felt more at a loss for words. “Aerith, I’m sorry, but…your grandmother passed away…several days ago.”

Morgan quirks an eyebrow, but gets out of Frankie’s way as he gags Misty. Catching Misty’s eye, he squints at her, trying to figure her out. Opening his mouth, it’s almost as if he wants to say or ask something, but Frankie’s presence makes him think twice.

Instead, he goes to a nearby chair to sit down, crossing his arms across his chest. Finally, and as if totally out of the blue, he states under his breath, “Assassins never change. Once they got a taste for blood, it doesn’t go away.”