
Make sure it dosnt

*Kaite sits up a little bit hearing Scott's side of the conversation. She could tell by the tone and look on Scott's face something was wrong. Once he is off the phone she waits for help to speak again knowing her own face convays a worry.*

"Misty is missing? Do they have any leads at all?"

*Katie leans back down across Scott lap leting out a sigh. She felt bad for everytime someone went missing. Wather is was the agency's doing or someone alse. The feeling she new all to well was not a good one. Feeling Scott squeeze her hand she relaxed alittle and felt good knowing she was safe. Siting up again Katie wraps her arms around Scott and gives him a squeeze knowing that would speak louder for her than any words spoken.*

*Aerith finally sits up her crying stoped for now. She felt ok, and she new she would be. God new his timing for this and she could only hope like Wyatt said she got right with the lord before it all happend. Reaching out Aerith grabs the glass of water that was on the table and takes a small sip before placing it down again and giving a small smile to Wyatt.*

"I think I'll be ok calling my step mom and dad. They are probley going to have the body shiped back to New York City and have the service there. I dont really care for it there but I know I should go anyways and I know God will be going with me. So I should be ok there."

*Aerith looks down at her hands for a moment reliving her memories of after her mother had married her step father and they all moved to the City. Aerith slowly truned into a city girl over time but her heart had always loved the less busy side of life.
As Aerith sits and thinks through things a sicking thought pass through her mind. Maybe there way a way for Wyatt to help.*

"Someone is going to need to go through my grandmother stuff, her house and everything selling the stuff no one wants and shiping the stuff out to whoever she left it to in her will. I can garintee my mom and step father wont come out to do it, so the task will be left to me since I am here anyways. I probley could use some help. Its only a house but it still holds memories, and I think it would be nice to have someone there with me. It wont be till I get back from whenever the service is but if you could find time I could use the help."

*Nate's mind moves a mile a minute as the move across town. Telling Carson where to turn, taking guess, and trying to use refrence to where Scott told him to go as well. Finally as they park alittle but away Nate gives a nod to Carson. Slowly geting out of the car he studys to gravel for a long moment.*

"There is more than one set. Eather Frankie has friends or he came and went alot. It looks like the same set of tire treds but that still dosent mean he does not have help. So far this has been to easy for him NOT to have a trap or something waiting. There is a 50/50 chanse he isent alone."

*Nate servays the area taking in the building, the grounds and playing sanareos in his head of how things could go down.Trying to do it in a hurry knowing they dident have to much time.*

"We dont have headsets or anyway to communacate so I would say we should be sticking together, but not to close. If something happens we want at least one of us to get out to get help. Check out the inside see if we cant see what we are upaganst. If its something we cant handle we back out and call for more back up."

*Nate scans Reese and Carson's faces for a moment.*

"I'd rather play it safe than stupid. Misty's life is in our hands for more than one reason but we need to make sure that dosent cloud our jegment."

*Nate pulls out his gun and checks the ammo as he talks.*

"Thats how I would do it. Can anyone think of something to add I might of left out? Or know of a better way?"

*Misty continues to listen to Morgan wanting to retort, wanting to shoot back her sassy comment but he brain just cant keep up. Her mind, spins and Misty feels like she is going to be sick. Her mouth was dry and the feeling of blood was in her throt. Trying to get her mouth wet to quench her thirst Misty trys to get her spit glands working only to feel more blood in her mouth. Finally spiting she looks down at the floor to find a there was in fact blood mixed in with her spit. This wasent good, this wasent good at all. This was moving faster than she thought she would. Still feeling some blood run from her mouth Misty lowers her head leting her eyes drift close. She couldent keep it up, she couldent keep her eyes open any longer. She was tired so very tired.*

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