
Since I met him

*Nate listens to Scott jotting down the short directions he gives him on the back of the paper.*

"Misty went missing. Carson guessed it was her brother and we found this paper with the symbol on it. I new I new it from somewhere I just did not know if they have a warhorse here or not. Thanks again Scott."

*Nate hangs up the phone and lets out a sigh studying the paper for a long moment than turning to head for the door.*

"I dont have an address but Scott gave me rough directions. I think we can find it out."

*Nate steps off the pourch and heads for Carson's car.*

*Aerith leans into Wyatt letting her tears go for a long while till finally she calmed.*

"Thank you Wyatt, for being the one to come and tell me. I think in a sense it made it a little easyer."

*Aerith lets out a long sigh. Leting her mind wonder for a long while. She new the next step would be to tell her parents and that was something she wasent looking forward to.*

*As Morgan removes her gag Misty is a bit leery watching him going to sit back down she lets out a sigh thankful thats all he was doing. Hearing Morgan speak once more Misty is actully thankful, the conversation would help her stay awake. Her voice was low, but still help a certin stregnth.*

"I'm....sure he is not still on there side. Are they still looking for him? Probly but the people I work for they protect there own. Carson has been with us for sometime now and though its been a rough path He's made alot of good friends...who...who would risk there life for him."

*Misty takes in a deep breath and than lets it out slowly. Starting to speak again her voice is soft and quiet, her lips dry and starting to crack.*

"As for me, when it came to Carson I liked him the first time I saw him. I stuck with him through alot, and he has showed me more than one time he cares. I've gotten use to his quirks and they dont bother me anymore. He's differnt, maybe thats why I.....I like him so much."

*Misty grows silent again, playing back memories in her mind. The good times along with the bad. The sweet times came along as well bringing a smile to her face even through the great pain. Misty new she had to make it through this, she had to see Carson again. That alone drove her on to try and stay with it.*

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