
Still hope

Scott smiles, just comfortable right where he was on the couch, cradling Katie. Loving her, and receiving her own affection was more than he ever could have asked for.

Leaning his head back, he's almost tired enough to doze off, but the phone ringing interrupts that thought. Sighing, he doesn't move, but keeps a hand on Katie, with the other, reaching over to the end table where his cordless was. "Yeah?" Hearing Nate's voice and the questions, he furrows his brow. "You mean Lexis?" He thinks for a moment. "Yeah, that was their logo. We got a bunch of equipment shipped from their warehouse in Utah a couple years ago."

Scott pauses again, his other hand absentmindedly running up and down Katie's arm. "They used to have a warehouse out between here and Kirkland. I went there once when we had a mixup in shipments. I'm not surprised they shut down - their service wasn't great. But their building was about ten miles out, going west. I don't remember what road it's on, but if you head out on highway nine, you can see it in the day time on the north side from a distance. It's a big place. Deserted, but big...why do you want to know?"

Wyatt brings his arm around Aerith to tuck her closer to him. Even though she and her grandmother hadn't gotten along, he knew it was still painful. "There wasn't any more you could have done," he soothes. "She didn't want to listen to you or get close to you. You couldn't have done anything more than you did. You were a fine witness, and that's all that was possible."

He gives her a little squeeze. "And who knows...maybe in her last hours she got right with God. There is still hope there."

Morgan leans back in his chair, whittling a stick with his newly-sharpened jackknife. He had been quiet for a long while, avoiding Frankie and just thinking. He hadn't called Carson for a ransom - something he had planned to do, but apparently had changed his mind about.

Out of the blue, and while Frankie is out of the room, Morgan stands and goes to Misty, taking the gag from her mouth. "No complaining," he orders gruffly.

Sitting back down, he speaks, aiming his speech towards her. "So...Carson's a changed man, huh. How'd he manage to get out from under the Agency? You sure he's not still on their side? They don't just let people go like that."

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