
Shot fired

Carson roll his eyes, barely visible in the dark. “Yeah, you forgot to say we could shoot Frankie on sight.” He throws Nate a look that doesn’t promise he won’t do just that, but that it’s not his goal and he won’t let his anger interfere with rescuing Misty. “Let’s go.”

Carson takes the lead, walking quietly through the dark, Reese bringing up the rear. They make their way into the shadows, keeping close to the lifeless building. Skirting the edge, they try several doors that are locked, and finally round the back. Everything is quiet, but finally a light it spotted coming from a window in the far end. It looked like what could have once been an office that had been added on to the rest of the building.

Creeping closer, all three stay low and quiet.

Morgan whittles his stick down to nothing, and sweeps the shavings onto the floor. Glancing to Misty, he studies her, knowing that her condition wasn’t that bad from anything he or Frankie had done. It was obvious that she had something really wrong with her. It was unfortunate, but there wasn’t much he could do about it.

Getting up from the table, Morgan strides lazily across the room. Tomorrow…he would wait until tomorrow to let Carson sweat some more before calling him and playing a little game. It was heard to wait…he wanted this bad.

Arriving at the window, he takes a quick glance outside.

“Get back,” Carson hisses, waving Reese and Nate away from the light of the window.

Too late. Morgan spots a moving shadow and he bristles. Moving quickly away from the window, he grabs his gun from the table. “We got company,” he informs Frankie. “Keep an eye on the girl. I’m going to check it out.”

He doesn’t wait for a response, but heads out the door and into the narrow hall, heading to the end where the exit is. Quietly he turns the knob, and cautiously looks out into the night. He sees nothing…he hears nothing.

Carson holds out his hands to keep the other too still along with himself as the figure moves away from the window. Had they been spotted? Straightening again, he moves forward carefully, aiming for the window so they can get a look inside. Using only his hands, he motions to Nate and Reese where he’s headed for, telling them to hang back just a bit and give him room.

Nearing the window, Carson flattens himself against the wall and creeps forward.

Morgan moves silently around the edge of the building, his senses heightened. Rounding the corner, he suddenly spots the three figures he’d seen out the window. Tensing, he takes a stance with his gun.

Carson slowly moves enough so one eye can see into the window. A figure was huddled motionless in the corner. Was it…

His distraction and fear for Misty, however, are traded for better judgment, and he doesn’t see the movement to his right.

Morgan can just make out Carson’s face from the window’s light. So he did come…it was a whole lot sooner than Morgan would have guessed, and apparently he’d had help. This wasn’t what he’d planned…but the end result would be the same.

Raising his arm, he fires.

Carson goes down.

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