
If Only

*Kaite laughs as she is in Scott's arms. Snuggling her face into his chest. One thing Katie had come to love about Scott was the way he smelled. Some people might think it was strange but Katie found it comforting.*

*Nate pulls out his phone dialing Scott's number. Hearing him pick up on the other end Nate paces the floor as he speaks.*

"Hey Scott, its Nate. Sorry to be calling you off dutie but I need some help. The company we get our computer stuff from there logo is a desktop with the globe behind it right? And if the answer is yes do you know if they used to have a plant here in Nevada?"

*Aerith perks up hearing Wyatt's voice. She was happy to know he was ok. As Wyatt enters the room though Aerith's smile slowly fades. As Wyatt takes her hands and the news hit her ears Aerith feels a cold shock wash over her. Her grandmother was...dead. Tears well in Aerith's eyes as she looks up at Waytt.*

"She...but...I should of check on her more. I should of been there. Oh Wyatt...She died alone, and old bitter woman."

*Aerith moves closer to Wyatt as a few tears escaper her eyes. She may not have cared for her but still it hurt. Weather is be from her passing or knowing she died not knowing the lord it hurt. Aerith could only with she had been there more to witness.*

"I know its not my fault, but still its hard not to think if only I had been there. Done something..."

*Aerith leans her head on Wyatt's shoulder as she just lets the tears fall for now.*

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