
Good rains

*Nate helps Carson up and follows close behind Carson. As they head to the door and Nate see Frankie down the hall her slowly breaks off from the group going back around to where the windows was. Checking it he slids it open and slips inside quietly.*

*Frankie comes to a halt as he hears Carson's voice. Frankie growls back at him.*

"So you came like she said you would? I should of known. You should of just let her go Carson, she's to good for the likes of you and I wont give her up without a fight. Not this time, Now get out of my way before you pay.*

*Frankie takes a few steps twords Carson still holding Misty.*

*Nate slowly opens the door stepping behind Frankie. Pointing the gun at the back of his head.*

"He might be sorry, but to me it looks like your the one who is going to pay if you dont do what he said and drop her."

*Nate keeps his gun point at Frankie.*

*Frankie halts as he feels Nate's gun to his head.*

"You want me to drop her fine."

*Frankie take Misty from his shoulder and throws her out in front him.*

*Nate takes a step forward as he see Misty hurled through the air.*

*The distraction is just enough for Frankie to bring his arm around and knock Nate in the head sending him to his feet. Wasting no time Frankie is on top of Nate trying to wrestal the gun from him.*

*Nate lands with a loud thud and before he can even think Frankie is on top of him. Bringing his legs underneath him and he pushes sending him flying through the air. Nate quickly gets to his feet as Frankie comes at him again. His strength was unbelievable. Nate strugles with Frankie a bit more and in a grufe voice.*

"Frankie give it up before you get hurt, Your not right, let us get you some help."

*Frankie eyes burn as Nate talks as on the inside his cry for help continunes.*

"I wont give up, I wont let my weakside win."

"This anger Frankie is your weakside, this will be your down fall."

"NO, its not."

*Frankie grabs the gun and Nate hand trying to push it twords him, back and forth back and forth once again. Nate pushes and than Frankie sends a fist into the side of his face Nate's gun goes flying. Frankie lunges for the gun and grabs it right as Nate goes to jump on him Frankie side steps and Frankie ams the gun at Nate's face.

Nate looks up at Frankie fast the barrel his words trying to shatter the thick anger.*

"Please Frankie, think of your sister."

*Frankie finally snaps again his face showing softness and confustion the gun in his hand.*


*He whispers, droping the gun he turns to his sister.*

"What have a done."

*Frankie takes a few steps towrds her again untill Nate grabs him and wrestals him to the ground puting his knee in his back and holding his arms behinf him.*

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