
Making memories today

*Finishing up a few things and finally geting the moter on the bike running again Wes lets out a hall chuckle*

"I new if I asked you we could figure it out. Br. Brown will be happy to get this back finally."

*Standing and whiping his hands off on a rage Wes looks down at Jason for a moment. The look on his face said it all. Turning Wes heads for the door into the bathroom to clean up a bit before heading out of the shop. Stoping he turns to Jason.*

"You can go now if you want Jason I am sure you have other stuff to do than be cooped up in here the whole day."

*Turn back around and entering the bathroom Wes makes one last statment before the door shut, talking loud enough for Jason to hear him.*

"You know just cuz she is here with someone alse dosent mean you cant say Hi to her. She still probley wants to spend alittle time with you to. She still cares. At least this time Jason, if everything goes bad, you'd have that last moment to say what you really wanted to alot of people. Dont let pass you by, you never know when there might not be a tomarrow and than you live in regret. We cant go back and change the past, but we can make up for it and learn from it.*"

*Katie cringes a bit as Scott is thrown from the horse. I slight fear running through her that Scott might be hurt. But staying put she lets Jeff handle it. Katie didn’t want Scott to feel worse than he probley already did. Seeing him get up Katie lets out a sigh of relief. Watching closely Katie’s smile grows as Scott gets back on the horse determined not to give up.

After a few more minutes Scott rides up to Katie. Shaking her head she can’t help but smile.*

“It might have been entertaining but we all go through it. I took a few spills myself when I first started. Not to mention even the most experience rider like Rosetta or Mick could take a spill at any moment as well. It’s just something that happened. I’m awfully proud of you though Scott. Not many first timers get back on after a fall and that’s when they never ride again, because of fear. You over came that. If you can do that than you can do anything.”

*Smiling again Katie can’t help but let her eyes beam. She new this was going to be a great afternoon. Giving a nod to her Uncle Katie turns back to Scott.*

“If you need to stop at all on the ride don’t hesitate to yell and we can stop and walk alittle bit on foot.”

*Turning Katie clicks her tong and gives alittle squeeze with her legs causing Rocket to jolt forward. Steering him towards the back of the ranch and onto the less traveled path in the woods. Stopping her horse again Katie points up past the trees to the mountains in the distance.*

“See that, that’s were we are going. To the mountains.”

*Katie lets out a sigh for a moment her gaze drifting to Wes shop for an unexplained moment, as the thought of Jason popped into her head. It was late afternoon, and still since she saw Jason was there he hadn’t said a word to her. Not even a hi. Leting out alittle sigh Katie resumes her smile. She was happy to shair the ranch from her eyes with Scott.

Moving forward again Katie smiles and leads Scott along the winding path. In certin parts Katie had to dismount and move stuff out of the way. This path wasent traveled much. And since she left the ranch it probley hadent been. She was the only one who new the secret of the moutain.

Going on for about an hour the moutains draw closer. It wonder be long now. Slowling down on the path Katie comes to a stop smiling. Moving her hand for Scott to pull up along side Rocket Katie points out into the wooded bramble. At first glance it was dingy, scary, and not fun to look at. Whispering Katie turns to Scott.*

"Look closer."

*As Katie looked back to the bramble she squinted her own eyes. In the middle was a green patch with little white flowers, and in the middle was a baby fawn curled up next to its mother. As Rocket gives alittle snort both the fawn and its mother look up and right at Katie and Scott. As Katie stairs back the deers eyes so big, so much peace flowed in them. Giving a smile Katie nods to Scott to start moving again letng the two animles in peace. Speaking softly as they ride.*

"That one of God's wonderus way to let us know, even when things look ugly and when it feels like the life is being choked out, there is still something amazing and wonderful waiting to be discovered in the middle of hate, anger, fear and sadness."

*Katie rides on with Scott taking it slow. The path was becoming more rocky now, and Scott still being unexperanced Katie dident want an accedent to happen from moving to fast. Keep up the small talk, joking, teasing. Katie was having a great time.*

*Wendy beams when she see Becky and Rosalynn returning there hugs and offering there greetings. Standing back she lets teh family reunite and just listens to them talk a smile on her face to see them happy. Her ears perk up though at the mention of TY as she steps up again and smiles.*

"Last time I new Ty was in his bunk. Maybe you guys can round up Jim and all go see him. I think he has cooled about alittle too."

*Wendy turns and smiles at Clint.*

"Go with your family. I'll be here when your done. You havent see them in a while, you have alot of catching up to do."

*Wendy smiles and gives Clint a soft kiss on the cheek.*

*Aerith brights her hand behind Wyatt's head as her other slimming around his waist and to his back to gently hold him as she feels his passion grow, returning it ten fold. Many thoughts ran throgh Aeriths mind, the butterfly fluttering fast in her tummy. This feeling, this emotion, Aerith had waiting along time to let anyone this close to her. It had been well worth the wait, and it felt even more special to shair the first kiss of her life with someone that felt the same emotion she did, Someone who shined in the light of God and shaired him glory with her.It was nice to know that no matter what happend tomarrow, this moment would live on and would never forget the man who opend her eyes to a new and wonderful world.*

*Rosetta turns saying nothing she wraps her arms around him. Words would not what to come. What could she say. Tomarrow, could change something for the good or for the bad. Nothing more could be done than sit, wait and let Lockheart do her job. Keeping her strong embrace around Mick, for now Rosetta dident want to let go.*

Needing somebody

Jason helps Wes with the bike for a while, tinkering with the engine, and puttering around the shop. After a while though, he gradually steps back to the side, just observing, a bit of awkwardness returning. He felt like he should go do something, or be with someone…but there was nothing he could really do, and no one to do it with. He’d already spoken to his mother…Jade was busy…and anyone else had other people they were doing things with. He felt a bit like a lame duck at the moment.

As Wyatt hears Aerith’s whisper and feels her lips return to his, his heart races. Returning the kiss timidly at first, he lets it linger, gradually letting his confidence build until he dares to let his gentle passion through. Reaching to the side of Aerith’s face, his palm caresses her cheek as he kisses her warmly, taking in the moment without regret. The taste was sweet. The exchange was tender.

Clint smirks at Wendy. “Alright. We can get something to eat. Though I dare say IF there’s anything left, it’s gonna be cold.”

Slinging an arm around her shoulder, they head to the mess hall. Upon entering, Clint suddenly stops, seeing his mother and sister at the far end, just sitting down with several others.

Becky looks up, a smile immediately forming. “Clint!”

Rosalynn jumps up from her seat and runs across the room to throw her arms around her twin.

Clint chuckles and swings his sister around. “What? You act like you haven’t seen me in years!”

“That’s what it feels like.” Rosalynn giggles. She turns to give Wendy a hug too. “Oh, it’s so good to be back!”

Becky is next in line, giving both hugs. She looks to Clint with question. And is just about to ask, when he nods at her. “Yeah, he talked to me.”

Tears glisten in Becky’s eyes. “I’m so sorry, Clint. I know this must be hard on you.”

“Yeah, well…what can we do?” Clint shrugs. “Someone pointed out that this is a chance most people never get so…I guess I need to be more grateful than mad.”

Becky gives her son a proud smile. “Is your father around here?”

“I haven’t seen him since…” Clint grimaces just a little. He may feel better after talking with Wendy, but he certainly hadn’t helped things earlier. “Um…it didn’t exactly go well earlier. Ty and I were both a bit upset.”

“Ty, huh?”

“Yeah.” Clint nods, giving his mother a small smile. “That’s what he goes by.”

Becky swallows hard. “Where is he?”

Clint shakes his head. “I don’t know.”

Mick dismounts his horse as well, and follows Rosetta slowly. As she stops and speaks, his arm finds its way around her shoulder. “As long as you’re safe,” he says quiet. “As long as you don’t let them take you or BJ. No matter what it takes...I couldn’t bear the thought of you behind bars.”

Turning Rosetta so she’ll look at him, Mick stares her in the eye. “If we lose this tomorrow, the Agency will be pleased. Don’t let them win by allowing it to happen to you.”

“Come on, Sparky, take a break.”

Sparky throws another hay bale down from the loft, landing feet from Mel. “Life doesn’t stop because a court hearing is tomorrow.”

“No, but it might stop because of it,” Mel counters. “Come on…you’ve got family and friends here…” She looks up at him from the barn aisle. “Spend some time with them before it’s too late.”

Sparky pauses in his work, wiping the sweat from his brow. “They’ve all got things they’re doing already. I would just interrupt. Being by myself isn’t the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“Yeah, well I know someone who’s feeling pretty down about this whole thing, who would just like to be told it’s going to be okay, but they don’t have anybody to go to.”

Sparky quirks an eyebrow, his compassion kicking in. “Who?”

Mel lets her eyes drop. “Me.”

Sparky gives a little sigh and takes off his gloves. He slowly makes his way down the ladder to stand in front of Mel. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I should be spending time with other people. I guess…I just didn’t want to stop and think about tomorrow, so I opted to keep my hands busy instead.”

Mel looks back up at him and forces a short, dry laugh. “Sparky Henson, you’re the most difficult man I’ve ever met.” She stops. “No, I take that back. Your brother is worse. But I at least thought I’d have a chance with you.”

Sparky can feel a bit of heat rising up his neck. He’d liked Mel since she’d arrived at the ranch…he’d taken her side when others hadn’t believed her, and he’d entertained thoughts of forming something more than just a surface friendship. But things had happened…he’d gotten busy…he hadn’t pursued anything just because…well, maybe he hadn’t thought he’d had much of a chance either with someone like Mel, even though she did flirt with him. She’d been busy, he’d been busy…he just hadn’t jumped on any free chances. Perhaps he’d always been just a little scared that he’d wind up as the disappointed reject. But…in all reality…he still entertained those thoughts of having something more with Mel, and they’d grown even stronger over the passing of time. Every time he sat with her…every time they went riding together…every time he looked at her from across the room. He’d just…he’d…was there really a good reason he hadn’t pursued more like he’d wanted to? Suddenly facing that question, Sparky realizes that he didn’t have an excuse anymore. “Have I been that offish?”

“Not at first.” Mel chuckles, resigning herself to the fact that there were no feelings there, even if it was disappointing. “For a while there I thought maybe there might be a chance for something, but…after it’s been this long, I guess that’s my hint, huh?” She shakes her head. “Though it would be nice if you could just stop working for a few minutes and at least have a glass of lemonade with me or something.”

Sparky cocks his head. Mel had showed interest in him, but…was there really the chance for something more from her perspective? “I didn’t think you cared that much.”

“About lemonade?”

He rolls his eyes. “No…about any possibilities.”

“I’m surrounded by people all day long, Sparky…but that doesn’t mean I’m not lonely. I’ve had chances with a ton of other guys in my life…but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t choose you.”


*As Rosetta listens to Mick a sadness comes over her. She hadent really stoped to think about what was to come tomarrow. The though was gut renching, and painful. Rosetta new she could lose everyting. Everything she worked years to get. With one desition tomarrow it could be all gone. Her friends, her family, Mick, the ranch. It all could be stripped away.

Stoping Rosetta dismounts the horse still holding the rains in her hand she heads over to a tree tieing the animel up for now. Pacing the clearing Rosetta finally stops looking beyound the trees and bushes.*

"I wont run Mick. If things go bad tomarrow Mick, BJ and I wont run. We will simply walk away and find a safe place to hide. To start over and wait, wait for you to come back to us again."

*Rosetta turns and looks Mick in the eyes, a silent tear rolling down her cheek.*

"I'll pray with all my heart that dosent happen tomarrow. BJ and I are ready to start our family with you, I dont want to have to lose it again. BJ calls this home now. This ranch, is my life, my everything. You Mick, you mean everything to me too. I just hope I dont have to lose it all over again."

*Rosetta turns away again her mind racing. Tomarrow, Tomarrow would change alot. It would be the start of life over again for many in the open free. or it would be the end of life for alot. Tomarrow everyone's lifes were in God's hands to do what he saw was right and part of his plane.*

*Wendy smiles at Clint.He's come so far from when she first met him. Wendy had gained so much when she first met Clint. A best friend and the best boyfriend ever. He's grown so much since than.*

"How about we grab something to eat first mmmm? You cant honestly believe I think your not hungry?"

*As Wyatt's lips brush Aeriths her pulse starts to quicken, and everything starts to spin slightly. Wyatt's lips done linger long on hers, but Aerith had never been kissed before so it felt longer than it was. A tingly feeling ran through Aerith's body making it feel warm. As if a vail was being removed from her eyes everything seemed a bit brighter as well. The feeling that invoked inside Aerith sent her mind racing, like a wall beind knocked down to the emotions in her heart. Searcing Wyatt's eyes Aerith can see his own emotions and feeling are true not just a fly of the moment whim. What his feelings invoked in her and portrayed were genuien, and for the first time Aerith was ready to receve and give back. Smiling and leaning into Wyatt again, Aerith's heart starts to race a soft whisper escaping from her lips.*

"Its ok!"

* Keeping her hand on the side of his face, Aerith gently brushs her own lips aganst Wyatt's. A bit of hesatence linering. She never kissed anyone before and wasent to sure, how to go about it not wanting to move to fast for Wyatt.*

Promise me

Wyatt’s pulse quickens as he feels Aerith’s touch to his skin. Looking into her eyes, everything around him seems to fade away and time seems to stand still. If only he could make this moment last…if only nothing else really mattered.

He instinctively moves forward towards Aerith, his face inches from her own. The sun shining down on them was warm, the breeze peaceful and mild.

Chances didn’t come everyday. And once one was passed by, it often never came back around again. To seize the moment was to live to the fullest. To take that chance was to risk it all just to never wonder what could have been.

Wyatt tilts his head ever so slightly, bringing his face to Aerith’s. His eyes close for a moment as his lips brush hers, but he pulls back just a little, searching her eyes again, his gaze questioning if it was too much to ask if he wanted to do it again.

Jeff grins at his niece as he steps down off the porch. He knew good and well Katie could handle herself and Scott just fine, but truth be known, he’d wanted to interact with them while he still could, and this was a prime excuse.

Getting into the barn, he helps Scott find a pair of boots, then goes to get Crimson, agreeing the gelding was a good choice.

“Alright…how much do you know?” Jeff ties Crimson in the center of the barn aisle, going to groom him quickly before tacking up.

Scott stands a safe distance away, his arms folded across his chest. “I know the difference between the head and the hind end.”

Jeff chuckles. “That’s a better start than some people have.” He goes about brushing Crimsons’ soft coat quickly, to not waste too much time. “Well, today I’ll just give you the quick learning experience so you Katie won’t be waiting for you all day.”

“That would probably be a good thing. She’d never let me live it down.”

“Ohh…” Jeff grins a little slyly as he works. “I’d say by that look in her eye, she might let it slide if you asked her real nice, but let’s not press our luck.”

Scott’s face reddens just slightly, and he lets that train of thought end there.

It’s not long before Crimson is saddled and Jeff is outside in the small corral, instructing Scott.

Scott can see Katie nearby and tries not to let how nervous he is show.

Jeff gestures to the horse. “Alright, you always mount up from the left side. Left foot in the left stirrup, and swing yourself on up there.”

Scott eyes the saddle, the stirrup, the height. “You know…this is a lot taller than that pony I was on as a kid.”



“Then maybe this isn’t such a good idea.”

Scott sighs, seeing Katie again. “No…I’ll do it.”

“Then try your best to get over that fear, ‘cause the horse will know it’s there.” Jeff pats the saddle again. “Up you go.”

Scott swallows hard and steps forward, taking hold of the saddle and getting his left foot up into the stirrup. Standing for just a moment, he swings up to straddle the horse, having just a little trouble getting his right foot in the other stirrup.

“Alright. See? That’s not so bad, is it?” Jeff looks up at him.

Scott’s hands are on the saddle horn. “No, not at all…what do I have to be afraid of, sitting on half a ton of meat that could kill me if it wanted to?”

Jeff laughs. “Relax. Okay…here are your reins…” He goes into a brief explanation about how to go, stop and turn. “Take him for a spin around the corral just a couple times, then I’ll send you on out with Katie.”

“Great.” Scott takes up his reins and kicks Crimson’s sides lightly to get him walking. After two rounds, he starts to relax a little. Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all.

Jeff nods with satisfaction. “You look good – you pick up on it quick, and I’m not just saying that. How about…”

Before he can finish, a gust of wind suddenly takes the side door of the barn, slamming it shut with a loud bang. Crimson, knowing he’s got a novice rider, and being startled by the noise, suddenly takes off.

Jeff’s eyes widen. “Pull back on your reins!” he calls.

Crimson is already at a high lope, turning the far end, and shooting back toward the gate. Scott does as he’s told, and pulls with all his might. To his misfortune, Crimson obeys too well, and skids to a sudden halt.

Momentum, however, carries Scott further. Up and out of the saddle he goes, slipping right over Crimson’s head to do a summersault and land hard on the ground.

Jeff is quick to slide down next to him. “You alright? Scott…are you hurt?”

Scott just lies still for a moment, staring up and blinking, trying to breathe after the wind had gotten knocked out of him. “I…think so.” Rolling over, he picks himself back up, dusting himself off.

“You hurt anywhere?”

Scott tries out all his muscles and rotates his weak wrist gingerly, glad he’d worn his brace today. “Nowhere by my pride,” he admits ruefully.

“Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.”

Scott grits his teeth and looks back at the horse. “If you think I’m going to let this beast get the best of me, you’ve got another thing coming. I’ve got a date, and I’ll not have an animal ruin it for me.”

Jeff starts to grin. “I thought you were afraid.”

“I think adrenaline just overtook that.” Scott grabs his reins and throws them back up over Crimson’s head. Without even waiting for Jeff, he’s in the saddle again. Crimson tries to go forward before he’s ready, and he pulls back sharply. “Oh, no you don’t. Not this time.” Getting his other foot in the stirrup he’s finally settled. “We’re going to try this again, and this time I’m not going to let my guard down!”

After a few more rounds of walking and even trotting just once, Jeff feels its safe enough to let him out to go with Katie.

Slowly riding up to her, Scott stops Crimson by Rocket. “So…now that I’ve given you the entertainment for the day, shall we be on our way?”

Clint takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “Why do you always have to be right?” he asks Wendy in annoyance. Reaching out, he pulls her close for a hug. “I’m sorry I snapped at you. And you’re right…I need to be more understanding. It’s not every day somebody gains a brother instantly like that. I think he’s just as mad as I am at the moment, but…” He sighs. “Maybe I should talk to him later.”

Mick slows his horse down as well, and looks over to Rosetta. Coming to a clearing, he pulls to a stop, and just thinks for several moments. “Rosetta…you know I’m not one to back down from a fight…nor would I ever tell someone to tuck tail and run. But…there’s something I want to ask you to do…something that I’m going to beg you to do…for me.”

He looks her in the eye, his genuine concern and love showing through. “We’re all hoping and praying that things go well tomorrow. But if they don’t…if that judge declares all of us guilty and we’re sentenced to prison… before anybody can get here…”

He pauses, the seriousness hanging in the air. “Rosetta, I want you to promise me that before you’re taken, that you and that little boy get as far away from here as you can.” Mick knows his words will not be liked, but he’s begging her. “I could never live with myself behind bars, knowing that you too were suffering, and that BJ was ending up in some strange family who didn’t know or understand him. I’ve never asked you to run from the law before…but for me…please…give me the peace of mind to know that if things go sour, you’ll run.”