

*As Rosetta listens to Mick a sadness comes over her. She hadent really stoped to think about what was to come tomarrow. The though was gut renching, and painful. Rosetta new she could lose everyting. Everything she worked years to get. With one desition tomarrow it could be all gone. Her friends, her family, Mick, the ranch. It all could be stripped away.

Stoping Rosetta dismounts the horse still holding the rains in her hand she heads over to a tree tieing the animel up for now. Pacing the clearing Rosetta finally stops looking beyound the trees and bushes.*

"I wont run Mick. If things go bad tomarrow Mick, BJ and I wont run. We will simply walk away and find a safe place to hide. To start over and wait, wait for you to come back to us again."

*Rosetta turns and looks Mick in the eyes, a silent tear rolling down her cheek.*

"I'll pray with all my heart that dosent happen tomarrow. BJ and I are ready to start our family with you, I dont want to have to lose it again. BJ calls this home now. This ranch, is my life, my everything. You Mick, you mean everything to me too. I just hope I dont have to lose it all over again."

*Rosetta turns away again her mind racing. Tomarrow, Tomarrow would change alot. It would be the start of life over again for many in the open free. or it would be the end of life for alot. Tomarrow everyone's lifes were in God's hands to do what he saw was right and part of his plane.*

*Wendy smiles at Clint.He's come so far from when she first met him. Wendy had gained so much when she first met Clint. A best friend and the best boyfriend ever. He's grown so much since than.*

"How about we grab something to eat first mmmm? You cant honestly believe I think your not hungry?"

*As Wyatt's lips brush Aeriths her pulse starts to quicken, and everything starts to spin slightly. Wyatt's lips done linger long on hers, but Aerith had never been kissed before so it felt longer than it was. A tingly feeling ran through Aerith's body making it feel warm. As if a vail was being removed from her eyes everything seemed a bit brighter as well. The feeling that invoked inside Aerith sent her mind racing, like a wall beind knocked down to the emotions in her heart. Searcing Wyatt's eyes Aerith can see his own emotions and feeling are true not just a fly of the moment whim. What his feelings invoked in her and portrayed were genuien, and for the first time Aerith was ready to receve and give back. Smiling and leaning into Wyatt again, Aerith's heart starts to race a soft whisper escaping from her lips.*

"Its ok!"

* Keeping her hand on the side of his face, Aerith gently brushs her own lips aganst Wyatt's. A bit of hesatence linering. She never kissed anyone before and wasent to sure, how to go about it not wanting to move to fast for Wyatt.*

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