

The guest room is simple, but even here, cherished photos exist. One in particular houses a small wooden frame on the dresser. A girl, appearing to be about eight years old, and a tall teenage boy. It’s obviously Con and Laura, Con with his protective arm around her, and both giving their best smiles.
More photos in the guest room show the two of them at that young age and beyond, but something seems to be missing. No other people in the pictures look to be another brother…and nowhere are anyone who look like parents.

Jade is tucked under Jason’s arm on the couch, her head resting on his chest, while her eyes grow heavy watching the tv screen.

Jason keeps his feet propped up on the coffee table, half-interested in the movie, and even less interested in the company around him right now. He has a desire to be by himself, but no motivation to get up and go to his bunk. It was a miserable state to be stuck in, but staying here was the easiest route, and having Jade next to him did provide an amount of peace.

His phone buzzing in his pocket makes him jump, and he reaches for it. But by the time he gets it out and opens it, the caller had apparently hung up. Rolling his eyes, he puts it back in his pocket.

Trying to get back into the movie, he hears noise in the adjoining room, and cranes his neck to see what’s going on. Sensing that not all is right, he pats Jade’s arm, to make her more alert. “Hey…I’m gonna see what’s happening.”

“Hmm?” Jade grins at him, forcing herself to straighten up so Jason can rise. “Okay.”

Jason gets up and takes his crutches to go into the mess hall, taken by off guard by the little newcomer.

Mick is surprised by BJ’s sudden attachment, but his instincts kick in and he wraps a strong arm around the boy, letting him close. Who was Stan? What had driven fear into this child? Why had Mick never known of Sam? Where was she now? The shock and confusion linger, tension showing through his locked jaw. But he rubs BJ’s back, trying not to pass on any more tension than the boy already feels. “You’re safe here, Bud, don’t worry. Stan’s not here, and I won’t let him do anything to you.”

As BJ hides even further into his chest when Angel approaches, Mick lets him, running his fingers through the unruly hair. He looks at Angel, the emotions coursing through his eyes. “I don’t know…I just got this note…I don’t understand.”

Sparky comes to read over Angel’s shoulder, his eyes widening at the news of another sister. He glances at Wes, motioning for him to join them and read too.

Mick looks up at them, automatically keeping his arm surrounding the boy. “What do we do?”

*Kaite giggles alittl* " Ya they are unsepritable." *The rest of the evning is quiet as Katie watches the movie. After is it over Katie heads to the bathroom to fast a fast shower than back to her room. Katie sets her alarm for early so She can be up and ready for work. A few things need to be unpacked still. Katie starts on that. Going over to the nightstand she puts her book inside only to find another book there. It looks to be a devotional book. Katie gives a small laugh and opens the book. She starts to read at the first page she comes to. The Reading almost hits home. It reads : DEALING WITH THE PAST
Anger. It's easy to define: the noise of the soul. Anger.The unseen irritant of the heart. Anger. The relentless invader of silence....

The louder it gets the more desperate we become....
Some of you are thinking.... you don't have any idea how hard my life has been. And you're right, I don't. But I have a very clear idea how miserable your fuure will be unless you deal with your anger.
X-ray the world of the vengeful and behild the tumor of bitterness: black, menacing, malignant.
Carcinoma of the spirit. Its faral fibers creep around the edgh of the heart and ravage it. Yesterday you can't alter, but your reaction to yesterday you can. The past you cannot change, but your response to your past you can. :
Katie stes the book back in the draw and thinks for a long moment. Picking up her cell phone she dials Jason's number and waits. Before the phone even rings 3 times her hangs up. What would she say when she answered? Would he hang up on her? Katie rided her mind of these thoughts. Taking the last item out of her backpack she unwraps it. Gently she lays the dryed roses on her dresser.

~*~Back at the Ranch~*~

*BJ looks up at Mick.* "Mys name is BJ." *BJ holds up his stuffed Monkey* "And this is Mr. Shnuggles." *BJ hops into Micks lap snuggling his head into Micks shoulder.* "Please dont let Stan lock me in the Closet again. Mr.Shnuggles dosent like it dere."

*As Angel and Wes rush across the lawn. Angel burst into the door Making BJ jump and his heart start to race. Once she see the small boy she walks over to him. Bending down to eye level she smiles.* "Hey there little fella."

*BJ dosent reply and burys his face into Micks chest.*

* Angel smiles.* " I see you havea new friend. Where did he come from? Whats going on? I dident even hear a car."


Becky nods. "Yes, we will have ways we all can keep in touch."

Rosalynn gives Wendy a smile. "I'll miss you too....but I guess for now we'll have to put up with it."

Dinner resumes more solemn than before, but with Becky's effort, the atmosphere picks back up again so everyone can continue to enjoy their evening.

Laura laughs. "You mean Con didn't tell you? That turkey." She shakes her head. "Yeah...he is a good guy..." For just a split second, a look passes through her eyes that reflects almost a sadness, but not quite. Closer to melancholy perhaps. Just as quickly, it's gone. "I miss him around the office, but he's been with Austin quite a while."

The movie finishes a while later, and Laura cleans up, taking the leftovers to the kitchen, leaving the dishes until the morning. "There's clean towels in the bathroom," she directs Katie. "If you need anything at all, just holler loud!" She heads to her bedroom, leaving the door cracked in case she's needed.

Con sees Wes head out the door, and knows he's going after Angel. He stays near the door, and keeps looking out the window, still uneasy.

Mick raises his eyebrows as the boy approaches, and he automatically reaches out to take the letter. Before reading it though, he looks at BJ with compassion. He looked like he was about Dylan's age when he and Jill had divorced. Taking a napkin from the table, he draws BJ in a little closer to wipe his tears. "There, now...what's your name, Bud?" He runs a hand over the child's hair as he unfolds the letter to read, his eyes widening in shock. His voice comes out as a whisper. "It was true...she was our sister...." He lets the letter drop onto the table, still in his hand and he stares at BJ, his mind turned in so many directions, he doesn't know what to do.


*Rosetta nods at Becky.* " I understand. If you want to talk to me more later so at least I have a number for you guys I will be in my office later. We can only hope this will be over soon and we can all be around eachother again. Its been a long hard road, time time to stop and relax."

*Wendy looks up at Rosalynn her face turning a crimson red. She cant find words to talk. But she pats Rosalynn's hand that says I'll miss ya.*

~*~ At Laura's house~*~

*Katie looks in saprise at Laura.* "Con you your brother? Wow...I guess new that I look closer I see the resembalince." *Katie smiles as she takes a bite of her food.* "Ya Con's a good guy. I dont mind having him as a big brother. Its kind of nice." *Katie eats the rest of her food at the finish there movie.*

~*~Back at the Ranch~*~

*BJ looks up at Con. Alittle intimanated by the man. BJ takes Con's hand and musters up a small.* "Hi" *Inbetween his soft crys. while holding tightly to Mr.Snuggles BJ looks around the room to the now many faces stairing back at him. Catching sight of Mick BJ smiles He looksed almost like Sam. Leting go of Con's hand BJ slowly walks twords Mick eyeing everyone alse. As he walks up to Mick he holds out the letter.* "Sham shaid to give this to someone."

*Wes stands at hearing the tiny voice. He looks at BJ for a moment than leaves the mess hall to find Angel.*

Little Visitor

Tears well up being Becky's eyes, but she remains composed. "Jim and I think it's best... he doesn't want us in the middle of all this, and though we'll be apart, he feels strongly enough about removing me and Rosalynn from the situation that I respect it. If he hadn't gotten involved with Mick back before all this started, the Agency wouldn't be after him and we could all go home, but as it is, it's too dangerous." She plays with her napkin in her lap. "We have a place where we're going, but for safety...we're only telling a couple people. There is someone who will be watching us at all times to make sure we're okay, so both Rosalynn and I feel safe.... We've been talking with someone about it. We can start having a halfway normal life for a while, then when this is all over, we can finally be at peace."
Becky's face shows that a large portion of her wants to stay at the ranch, but she understands and is respecting her husband's wishes. "We've...we've been through this before, but at least this time there is light at the end of the tunnel." She forces a smile. "And we will come visit, I promise."

Rosalynn looks at Wendy, mustering up a smile. "Dad and Clint are staying at the ranch. Dad wanted Clint to get out of the firing line too, but he didn't want to leave...for more reasons than one."

Laura enters the living room with plates in her hand. "Soup's on!" she quips, setting everything down on the coffee table in front of the couch. "Thought we'd eat in here and watch a movie or something." She grins. "It's my nightly routine."

A meow comes from behind her and she turns around. "Oh, Henry I forgot all about you. Come here." She picks up the black and white cat, cuddling him. "Henry, this is Katie...she'll be staying with us for a while." She chuckles, and sets him back down, turning to Katie. "I'll be right back. He's out of food."

Moments later she's back, and plops down on the couch. After a quick prayer of thanks, she turns on the tv to watch a DVD. In the middle of the meal, her phone rings, and she rolls her eyes as she tries to chew what's in her mouth, and she pauses the movie, grinning at Katie. "Hang on." Finally able to answer the phone, she picks it up from the end table by the couch. "Hello?" A smile spreads across her face. "Hey, bro!" She glances in Katie's direction. "Yeah, she made it. ...Hmm? No, tomorrow. Right.... ....Ha, yeah, I'm sure it was an experience. How are things there?" She takes a bite of food. "Oh really...no, I haven't heard anything else. And Jase.... Oh ....Uh-uh...." She smiles again. "Yeah, okay. Nope, just eating and watching a movie. Alright....talk to you later. Bye." She hangs up the phone, sighing with content. "Oh, Con...once a big brother, always a big brother." She grins. "Feels good though. At least Con and I have always been close." She nods to Katie. "He just wanted to make sure you got here okay. I think he's adopted you as his second sister."

Supper is over, and the gang is lingering in the mess hall, talking, playing a card game, or just lounging. Jason and Jade take up residence in the adjoining room to watch a movie, while Clint and Jeff attempt at cleaning up the kitchen.
Austin and Con hang around one of the tables, talking after Con has made his phone call. A noise outside catches his attention...it sounded like voices? Con frowns and listens above the inside noise. Curious, he gets up and goes to the door. Opening it, he glances around for a minute before looking down and realizing there is a child on the porch. He just stands for a moment, too surprised to react.

"Con, what is it?" Austin calls.

Con ignores Austin, and looks around outside....no vehicle...no adult...what was going on? Seeing the tears on the little boy's face, Con masks his concern and squats down in front of him. "Well hi there..." He forces a smile. "Little late for someone your age to be out here all by yourself, isn't it?" He inwardly grimaces. Becky was gone, Mel was gone, Rosetta was gone...Angel! He offers a hand to the little boy. "Why don't you come in here out of the chilly air, hmm?" Leading him inside, he shoots anyone within hearing distance a look that relays he has no idea what's going on, who this kid is or why he's there. "Someone want to go get Angel to make sure this kid is okay? And does anyone know who he is?" He glances over his shoulder, concern twisting his gut. It didn't feel right.

one can only hope

*Rosetta looks saprised.* "You are guys are going to spilt youselfs up again? Where are you guys going to go? Wow Becky...this is sad. But all in all your safty is important and I am happy we could have this dinner together than." *Rosetta smiles at Becky.* "Just dont be strangers for 18 years again ok. Your always welcome at the ranch."

*Wendy's heart becomes heavy Many things running though her mind. She had wanted to get to know Becky and Rosalynn better, but now they would be leaving. Was Clint going with them or was he staying? It was always sad to see people leave the ranch.*

~*~Back at Laura's house~*~

*Katie enters Laura's house in aww. Heading into her room she cant hardly believe it. Its like having your own little apt. Its so big. After unpacking some clothing and puting it away Katie heads back downstairs.* "Laura if you need help let me know." *As Katie looks around the living room she see the pics of Jason and Con. Katie cant help put run her fingers over Jason's face. He looked so happy. Her eyes dift to the pics of Con and Laura. How she missed them both already. Looking around at the rest of the pic Katie wonders if many sometime a pic of herself will be up there too. Part of the family. Without even relizing it Katie's eyes drift back to the pic of Jason. She left him hating her, and she dident like him at that momen eather. Katie searches inside, the feeling was faint being so far away, but non the less Katie could feel Jason was ok. He was sad for some reson, but he wasent in danger. That alone braught comfort to Katie.*

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

*A few house pass and the sky is all dark now. The only lights visable are the ones from the moon, and the car headlights. Finally the more lights come into view. As Sam pulls off the road she reads the sign* "Welcome to the R/M Ranch." *This was the place. Sam slowly pulls into the driveway. Shuting off her headlights trying to go un-noticed. Shuting off the moter Sam lets out a long sigh*

*As the motar stops BJ wakes. Rubbing his eyes he asks.* "Is we there now?"

*Sam replys with a slightly sad tone.* "We are."

*BJ lets out a tiny squeel of excitment.*

*Sam gets out of the car and opens BJ's door. Bending down to unhook him her eyes linger on him for a minute a singel tear rolls down her face.*

*As BJ looks up he see Sam's tear.* "Whats wrong Sham?"

*Sam trys to smile as she unhooks him.* "I'm going to miss you buddy."

*As BJ hops out of the car his eyes grow wide.* "Your not shaying with me Sham?"

*Sam's eyes tell no likes but to a child he wouldent not know the differinct.* "I can't buddy. But the people here are good people. They will love you as much as I do. This is where you belong. There is a girl in there that loves you and misses you horrably though you dont know her."

*BJ wraps his arms around Sam's neck.* " I dont want to leave you." *Small tears start to roll down his tiny face* "I dont want to Sham."

*Sam hugs BJ.* " I know buddy, I know. But you have to." *Sam lets go of BJ and grabs his other bags out of the trunk.* "Come on stay close and stay quiet ok." *Sam and BJ starts to walk up the driveway. Seeing lights on in the mess hall Sam heads that way with BJ. Puting BJ's bags down in the grass Sam sits on the steps BJ close.* " You be a good boy ok BJ."

*BJ nods his tears welling up.*

*Sam takes a pic out of BJ's bag.* "This is for you. So you can always remember me. And never forget I'll ways be with you here." *Sam points to BJ's heart. Taking the pic she places it back into BJ's bag.* " Now BJ you need to listen to me ok. After you see my pull out of the driveway you need to knock on this door here and whoever answers you need to give them this." *Sam hands the note to BJ.*

*BJ looks at the letter than back to Sam as he holds Mr.Snuggles.* "Will I seen you aden Sham?"

*Sam musters a smile.* " We can only hope." *Sam stands and kiss BJ on the head.* " I love you buddy." *Sam starts to walk away.*

*BJ runs off the porch and clings to Sam. He starts to cry.* "NO SHAM NO...DONT LEAVE."

*Sam cant looks down at BJ or she never would leave. Taking him by the hand she takes him back to the porch.* "NO BJ, you need to stay here please." *Once again Sam starts to head down the driveway leaving BJ wailing on the porch. Sam picks up the pase to get back to the car before anyone knows she is there. Backing out of the drive way she looks back at BJ one more time. Her own tears rolling off her face now. Sam whispers.* "Please keep him safe."

*As BJ watches Sam pull out of the driveway he cant stop his tears. His eyes big. Finally he is left in the dark the only light was from the Mess hall windows. Turning around BJ remembers Sam words and holds the letter. Softly he knocks on the door and waits.*

{Sam's letter reads: To whom is may consern, By the time you read this letter, I will be leading the Agency away from this ranch. My name is Sam and this small boy is BJ. You guys dont know who I am but have seen me. I am Mick and Annie's Triplet. I was raised myself by the Angency and when old enough started to work for the Agency. I was in charge of keeping BJ safe till finally I relized myself this was not right to him and wanted to get him out. I new he would be safe with you guys Also he is the key you are looking for. BJ himself holds the key to the computer chips in his brain. He's very important to the Agency for one reson, but to some of you He is important for many more resons. I know this is crazy and you all dont understand. I dont understand really myself and am having a hard time writing this letter. All I know is I wanted BJ safe and to have a chanse at a life I never did. The Agency will stop at nothing to get BJ back and if I am caught I will surly die. But I am not scaired. Knowing BJ is safe will let me die in peace for i will never give up his location to them. Please keep him safe and love him all you can. Thank you. Signed, Samantha Lynn Henson}


When evening arrives, the women head out for supper in a couple vehicles. Arriving at the restaurant, they find a big round table to sit out, and the chatter starts immediately.
They order their food while laughing, talking and relaxing away from the stress of the case at the ranch.
During the meal, there is a lull in conversation, and Becky finally looks up, becoming more serious.
“Um…since almost all of us are here…I have something that I need to tell you.” She looks at Rosalynn, who gives her an encouraging nod. “Jim, Rosalynn, Clint and I have been talking a lot the last few days, and Jim feels very strongly about making sure that Rosalynn and I are safe. We talked about going back home at one point, but because the Agency will still be after Jim, we felt it wasn’t wise. However…” She swallows hard. “We have found a safe location for Rosalynn and I to go.”

Jason picks at his food, not very hungry. Jeff’s cooking was good, but no matter the taste, he just wasn’t in the mood. He stops and looks around the room. Most of the women are gone, but there’s an emptiness there apart from that…something is missing…. Looking down at his plate, he admits to himself that the “something” is Katie.

Laura takes Katie to the mall and shows her around, laid back about time, in no hurry, and they pick up something to take back home for supper.
They get back to Laura’s apartment and she helps Katie get her stuff inside, and into the nice guest room. Her apartment is good-sized, neat and clean.
Laura starts getting the food ready in the kitchen and calls to Katie. “Make yourself at home!”
The living room is tidy, and one wall is adorned with shelves of pictures. Many of the faces in them are recognized from TJY, while others appear to be family. Two faces in particular show up more times than any others - Jason’s and Con’s. A large frame in the middle shows a photo that caught the image of what appears to be a summer picnic with many people in the background. Jason is in the forefront in a t-shirt, cutoffs and bare feet, sun glass set up on his head, and he's just having let go of a frisbee that’s waiting to be caught by Laura, while Con is diving to catch it as well. One could almost feel the smile on the photographer’s face.
More pictures of Laura and Con together are interspersed throughout, most scenes caught at events.