
*Kaite giggles alittl* " Ya they are unsepritable." *The rest of the evning is quiet as Katie watches the movie. After is it over Katie heads to the bathroom to fast a fast shower than back to her room. Katie sets her alarm for early so She can be up and ready for work. A few things need to be unpacked still. Katie starts on that. Going over to the nightstand she puts her book inside only to find another book there. It looks to be a devotional book. Katie gives a small laugh and opens the book. She starts to read at the first page she comes to. The Reading almost hits home. It reads : DEALING WITH THE PAST
Anger. It's easy to define: the noise of the soul. Anger.The unseen irritant of the heart. Anger. The relentless invader of silence....

The louder it gets the more desperate we become....
Some of you are thinking.... you don't have any idea how hard my life has been. And you're right, I don't. But I have a very clear idea how miserable your fuure will be unless you deal with your anger.
X-ray the world of the vengeful and behild the tumor of bitterness: black, menacing, malignant.
Carcinoma of the spirit. Its faral fibers creep around the edgh of the heart and ravage it. Yesterday you can't alter, but your reaction to yesterday you can. The past you cannot change, but your response to your past you can. :
Katie stes the book back in the draw and thinks for a long moment. Picking up her cell phone she dials Jason's number and waits. Before the phone even rings 3 times her hangs up. What would she say when she answered? Would he hang up on her? Katie rided her mind of these thoughts. Taking the last item out of her backpack she unwraps it. Gently she lays the dryed roses on her dresser.

~*~Back at the Ranch~*~

*BJ looks up at Mick.* "Mys name is BJ." *BJ holds up his stuffed Monkey* "And this is Mr. Shnuggles." *BJ hops into Micks lap snuggling his head into Micks shoulder.* "Please dont let Stan lock me in the Closet again. Mr.Shnuggles dosent like it dere."

*As Angel and Wes rush across the lawn. Angel burst into the door Making BJ jump and his heart start to race. Once she see the small boy she walks over to him. Bending down to eye level she smiles.* "Hey there little fella."

*BJ dosent reply and burys his face into Micks chest.*

* Angel smiles.* " I see you havea new friend. Where did he come from? Whats going on? I dident even hear a car."

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