

Becky nods. "Yes, we will have ways we all can keep in touch."

Rosalynn gives Wendy a smile. "I'll miss you too....but I guess for now we'll have to put up with it."

Dinner resumes more solemn than before, but with Becky's effort, the atmosphere picks back up again so everyone can continue to enjoy their evening.

Laura laughs. "You mean Con didn't tell you? That turkey." She shakes her head. "Yeah...he is a good guy..." For just a split second, a look passes through her eyes that reflects almost a sadness, but not quite. Closer to melancholy perhaps. Just as quickly, it's gone. "I miss him around the office, but he's been with Austin quite a while."

The movie finishes a while later, and Laura cleans up, taking the leftovers to the kitchen, leaving the dishes until the morning. "There's clean towels in the bathroom," she directs Katie. "If you need anything at all, just holler loud!" She heads to her bedroom, leaving the door cracked in case she's needed.

Con sees Wes head out the door, and knows he's going after Angel. He stays near the door, and keeps looking out the window, still uneasy.

Mick raises his eyebrows as the boy approaches, and he automatically reaches out to take the letter. Before reading it though, he looks at BJ with compassion. He looked like he was about Dylan's age when he and Jill had divorced. Taking a napkin from the table, he draws BJ in a little closer to wipe his tears. "There, now...what's your name, Bud?" He runs a hand over the child's hair as he unfolds the letter to read, his eyes widening in shock. His voice comes out as a whisper. "It was true...she was our sister...." He lets the letter drop onto the table, still in his hand and he stares at BJ, his mind turned in so many directions, he doesn't know what to do.

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