
Little Visitor

Tears well up being Becky's eyes, but she remains composed. "Jim and I think it's best... he doesn't want us in the middle of all this, and though we'll be apart, he feels strongly enough about removing me and Rosalynn from the situation that I respect it. If he hadn't gotten involved with Mick back before all this started, the Agency wouldn't be after him and we could all go home, but as it is, it's too dangerous." She plays with her napkin in her lap. "We have a place where we're going, but for safety...we're only telling a couple people. There is someone who will be watching us at all times to make sure we're okay, so both Rosalynn and I feel safe.... We've been talking with someone about it. We can start having a halfway normal life for a while, then when this is all over, we can finally be at peace."
Becky's face shows that a large portion of her wants to stay at the ranch, but she understands and is respecting her husband's wishes. "We've...we've been through this before, but at least this time there is light at the end of the tunnel." She forces a smile. "And we will come visit, I promise."

Rosalynn looks at Wendy, mustering up a smile. "Dad and Clint are staying at the ranch. Dad wanted Clint to get out of the firing line too, but he didn't want to leave...for more reasons than one."

Laura enters the living room with plates in her hand. "Soup's on!" she quips, setting everything down on the coffee table in front of the couch. "Thought we'd eat in here and watch a movie or something." She grins. "It's my nightly routine."

A meow comes from behind her and she turns around. "Oh, Henry I forgot all about you. Come here." She picks up the black and white cat, cuddling him. "Henry, this is Katie...she'll be staying with us for a while." She chuckles, and sets him back down, turning to Katie. "I'll be right back. He's out of food."

Moments later she's back, and plops down on the couch. After a quick prayer of thanks, she turns on the tv to watch a DVD. In the middle of the meal, her phone rings, and she rolls her eyes as she tries to chew what's in her mouth, and she pauses the movie, grinning at Katie. "Hang on." Finally able to answer the phone, she picks it up from the end table by the couch. "Hello?" A smile spreads across her face. "Hey, bro!" She glances in Katie's direction. "Yeah, she made it. ...Hmm? No, tomorrow. Right.... ....Ha, yeah, I'm sure it was an experience. How are things there?" She takes a bite of food. "Oh really...no, I haven't heard anything else. And Jase.... Oh ....Uh-uh...." She smiles again. "Yeah, okay. Nope, just eating and watching a movie. Alright....talk to you later. Bye." She hangs up the phone, sighing with content. "Oh, Con...once a big brother, always a big brother." She grins. "Feels good though. At least Con and I have always been close." She nods to Katie. "He just wanted to make sure you got here okay. I think he's adopted you as his second sister."

Supper is over, and the gang is lingering in the mess hall, talking, playing a card game, or just lounging. Jason and Jade take up residence in the adjoining room to watch a movie, while Clint and Jeff attempt at cleaning up the kitchen.
Austin and Con hang around one of the tables, talking after Con has made his phone call. A noise outside catches his attention...it sounded like voices? Con frowns and listens above the inside noise. Curious, he gets up and goes to the door. Opening it, he glances around for a minute before looking down and realizing there is a child on the porch. He just stands for a moment, too surprised to react.

"Con, what is it?" Austin calls.

Con ignores Austin, and looks around outside....no vehicle...no adult...what was going on? Seeing the tears on the little boy's face, Con masks his concern and squats down in front of him. "Well hi there..." He forces a smile. "Little late for someone your age to be out here all by yourself, isn't it?" He inwardly grimaces. Becky was gone, Mel was gone, Rosetta was gone...Angel! He offers a hand to the little boy. "Why don't you come in here out of the chilly air, hmm?" Leading him inside, he shoots anyone within hearing distance a look that relays he has no idea what's going on, who this kid is or why he's there. "Someone want to go get Angel to make sure this kid is okay? And does anyone know who he is?" He glances over his shoulder, concern twisting his gut. It didn't feel right.

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