

*Rosetta nods at Becky.* " I understand. If you want to talk to me more later so at least I have a number for you guys I will be in my office later. We can only hope this will be over soon and we can all be around eachother again. Its been a long hard road, time time to stop and relax."

*Wendy looks up at Rosalynn her face turning a crimson red. She cant find words to talk. But she pats Rosalynn's hand that says I'll miss ya.*

~*~ At Laura's house~*~

*Katie looks in saprise at Laura.* "Con you your brother? Wow...I guess new that I look closer I see the resembalince." *Katie smiles as she takes a bite of her food.* "Ya Con's a good guy. I dont mind having him as a big brother. Its kind of nice." *Katie eats the rest of her food at the finish there movie.*

~*~Back at the Ranch~*~

*BJ looks up at Con. Alittle intimanated by the man. BJ takes Con's hand and musters up a small.* "Hi" *Inbetween his soft crys. while holding tightly to Mr.Snuggles BJ looks around the room to the now many faces stairing back at him. Catching sight of Mick BJ smiles He looksed almost like Sam. Leting go of Con's hand BJ slowly walks twords Mick eyeing everyone alse. As he walks up to Mick he holds out the letter.* "Sham shaid to give this to someone."

*Wes stands at hearing the tiny voice. He looks at BJ for a moment than leaves the mess hall to find Angel.*

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