

The tip to the hospetal is quiet as Hope knows what was to come. She had sent people to this place before for there safty, for there health but it was never fun and it was a long hard road.

Going through the motions that Hope had been through many times she sticks close to Gunner making sure he had the best room, and care that was available. This was more than just a case this was a friend too.

Finally it is time to go and though she would rather not Hope new they had to. But she would be back soon. Looking up at the dr hope searchs his eyes for a long moment. She hadnt delt with this hospetal much before so she was a little werry but she would trust Reese new this place.

"I want to know everything that goes on with him and about his care. If anything happens anytime you are to contact me. I am his primary Psychiatrist outside of here and I have the need to know. Thank you for everything you will be doing for him."

Turning to the room where Gunner was Hope enters and makes her way across the bear floor. Sitting down on the edge of the bed she lets out a sigh.

"Con and I our heading out now Gunner. I'll be back tomorrow to check in on you. Did you need anything before I go?"

Looking up from her computer as the jeep started to shake Alice could of guess who it was. A big smile spreads across her face as she looks out the back window and gives a shake of her head.

It was good to see Kyle smiling today even if she didnt know the reason. He had a nice smile and it was important to her to see it.

Rolling down the window as Kyle comes around to her side Alice gives a chuckle never tiring of Kyle or of his antics that matched her own.

"Mountain Dew and Donuts....mmmmm..."

Alice thinks for a long moment before giving Kyle another side long glance.

"If you have Boston cream in there than come on in and lets feast together."


Gunner doesn't respond at first, but numbly follows to Con's truck, sliding into the back seat. He sits with his gaze out the window, fighting the burning behind his eyes. "Do with me what you have to," he mutters in defeat. He knew they would take him somewhere other than TJY and other than home. "Just have someone take care of my cat."

Con quirks an eyebrow as he turns his truck around. "I didn't think the apartments where you lived allowed pets."

"They don't." A small grin quirks the edge of Gunner's mouth.

Con rolls his eyes. No wonder Gunner always got himself into trouble. "Always gotta buck the system, don't you?"


Three souls make their way across town to the far corner. A hospital comes into view. Had not the purpose been so dim, it would have seemed cheerful. They are greeted warmly with those trained to handle these kinds of visits. Unfortunately, these doctors performed these tasks every day.

An hour slips by... then two. It felt a torture to an already-tortured soul. One minute, Gunner wanted to stay, and the next, he wanted to flee. During the initial evaluation, it was only Con's muscle that held him there. Now it was a closed door...

Gunner sits on the bed, his back leaned into the corner of the room. His arms were wrapped around his knees, his legs up to his chest. He felt... numb. The room was stark. A small table was at one side with a chair. A lamp sits on an otherwise-bare nightstand. A narrow closet in the corner held two more sets of clothes, simple and clean. He could keep nothing of his own.

His bare toes curl down into the mattress and he grits his teeth, half of him wanting to run full-force into the door and bolt. Logic argued with him to stay.

Outside in the hall, a doctor's voice mingles with Con's and Hope's...

"You can let him know you're leaving, if you wish. Tomorrow we will have another evaluation and... we'll go from there."

Alice's red jeep begins to rock back and forth, back and forth. Kyle stands on the bumper, shifting his weight and bouncing to make it sway until he sees Alice look out the window at him. For the first time in quite a while, his eyes are shining brightly. He holds up his hands. In one, he holds a bag of donuts, and in the other, two cans of mountain dew.

Cocking his head, he jumps down from the bumper and wanders to the window, waiting for it to be rolled down. "I need sugar this morning... how about joining me?"


Hope wants to comment back to Gunner but she new better than to do so right now. Just giving a soft smile Hope does her best to try and keep Gunner calm and thinking right. Seeing Con go around to him the other way gives Hope a small bit of comfort knowing her was there. As he takes Gunner's arm and pulls him back over the rail Hope lets out a sigh of releaf that she didnt even relize she was holding till now.

As Gunner stops in front of her Hope lays a gentil warm hand on his arm her own heart breaking on the inside. She hated doing this to someone, anyone but it was what was best and she new it.

"No Gunner, Reese was wrong your a very strong person and thats why you didn't jump when you had the chance."

Wrapping her arm around his wast Hope walks with Gunner back to Con's car before getting inside with him.

"We are gonna get you help Gunner and I am going to be with you every step of the way. I wont let you do this alone."