

Carson's eyebrows rise as Katie comes into the kitchen, and he looks even more surprised when she starts to help. He wasn't going to complain though.

"Well yeah, that's fine..." He cocks his head as he stirs some sauce. Something seemed... off. Katie didn't usually just come to talk, least of all to him. And it was even stranger that she'd come to help out at the same time.

"Fire away. What's up?"

Scott slowly backs up a step away from the desk, his eyes widening slightly. Dani's jaw drops at Dalton's comment, having absolutely no idea what was going on. But seeing the desk jostling, she can't help a giggle, and covers her mouth.

Without time to move, Scott cries out as he's picked up once again, this time slung over the giant's shoulder. He gives a half-hearted whack to Dalton's back. "Put me down, ya big oaf!"

By now, Dani is trying to control her laughter, her eyes dancing with humor. She didn't want to poke fun, but knowing Dalton had been stuck under his desk, well... it was quite funny. Managing a little wave, she stifles another laugh. "Hi, Dalton. Got everything under control, I see."

"Put me down!" Scott wails, kicking a little. "Dalton Heathrow, that's an order! Don't make me pull rank on you!"

Too fat

The slight grin still on her face, Bree gives a nod to Gunner. "It was nice meeting you as well. Who knows, we might meet again on an unordinary day."

Looking down at her book again, Bree picks up her fork and spoon, ready to dig into her nonsundae.

Entering Mom and Pop's, Katie took note to how busy it was. It would be hard to talk to Carson being this busy, unless she went back into the kitchen.

Stepping up to the counter, Katie leans into Mabel, asking her a question as she gives a nod and smile. Moving around the counter. Katie heads into the back and next to Carson. Putting on some gloves and an apron, she starts to help him put things together.

Finally speaking, she gives a little sigh. "I wanted to talk to you and I know it was busy, so I thought maybe we could talk while I helped you."

Looking out a little from under the desk Dalton raises an eyebrow at Scott. Hearing Scott's comment his eyes widen just a little bit.

"Why you little.." Going to reach for Scott Dalton manages to turn his bottle a little and get wedged under the desk

Trying to give a pull Dalton lifts the desk up a little and than down again with bang.
His face held no smile but his voice was laced with humor. "When I get out of here Scott your gonna pay."

Continuing to struggle Dalton stops when he hears Dani's voice. His hear starts to race and his face turns beat red. Trying to shift again the desk once again goes up and than down with loud bang. "gah, ah Dani yes Hi....I am...caught I mean stuck. You seem too be to fat to be here." Dalton's eyes widen just a little."No no no I mean I am to big to be in here and you picked a bad time to come see me. Yes thats it."

Trying a little harder again a small crack sounds as Dalton pushes his weight on the side. Finally coming free with a pop Dalton puts one arm on top of the desk before the other pulling himself up and only the top of his head and eyes can be seen as he gives a wave to Dani.

Finally standing Dalton gives a smirk to Dani and holds up a finger. " Give me one second. Turning around to Scott Dalton takes a step forward grabbing Scott before he can run and throws him over his shoulder moving to the door and stepping out to the hall. "Trouble maker in the house be on the look out."

Stepping back in still holding Scott Dalton turns to Dani. "Hi!"


A wry grin slowly spreads on Gunner's lips. "I guess freaking people out has always been my nature. I do like ice cream sometimes though."

Accepting Bree's hand, he gives it a strong shake. "Well, quirky Bree, I'm Brent Franklin... but friends call me Gunner."

The cell phone on his belt starts to vibrate, interrupting the brief greeting. Looking down at the number, Gunner purses his lips, not annoyed, but not happy either. "That would be my buddy Conrad, wondering where I am."

Glancing back to Bree, he gives a little nod. "I hope you enjoy your un-sundae. Tomorrow is Tilly's turn behind the counter, and she's real easy to freak out." He tosses her a wink. "Don't have too much fun."

"Gunner, where are you?" Con mutters into his phone, reaching Gunner's voicemail. "You were supposed to meet Jase and me on the corner of Madison and Park fifteen minutes ago. Call me back or show up."

Con hangs up and glances to the passenger seat where Jason is still just staring out the window as if not paying a bit of attention to anything. "Hotshot, if you're not up to this stakeout, you better say so now."

"I'm fine." Jason shrugs. "Just tired I guess."

Con sighs. "You want to talk about it?"

"Not really."

"Well if you-" Con gets interrupted by Jason's phone ringing. "That better be Gunner."

It wasn't. Jason flips open his phone. "Hi. Yeah..." His conversation doesn't last too long, but by the look on his face, it wasn't a good one. Closing his phone again, he's quiet for several moments.

Con senses something is wrong, and his tone softens. "Everything alright?"

Jason shakes his head. "That was my mom. You know Clint and Wendy?"


"They lost one of their babies."

"Oh." Con's shoulders drop a little. "That's too bad. You close to them?"

"Not really..." Jason shrugs, keeping his eyes busy roaming the street. "We're friends. Katie's pretty close to Wendy though... Mom said somebody was going to call her too." He couldn't imagine how Wendy or Clint must feel, torn between the sorrow of a loss, and the joy of still having one child. Why did everything have to hurt lately? He knew this would impact Katie too.

Though Con was saddened as well, he knew he needed to ask. "You need to pull out?"

The last thing Jason wanted right now was to be left to his own thoughts. He'd rather be on this case. "No. We've got a job to do."

Carson turns up the radio in the kitchen, his hands full today. Mabel was there for a little while and Aerith was working her tail off, but Dani wasn't supposed to come in until later. After the first good night in ages though, he was ready for the busy day. Tonight, Dani would close up for him, so he could go out with Misty, and with that in mind, he looked forward to time going quickly.

Scott stays under the desk, staring at the back as Dalton joins him. "Wha, huh?" He gives Dalton a sidelong glance while keeping a straight face. "Oh, I just wanted to see if you'd really fit under here." He reaches back and pulls the tiny camera out, studying it for a moment. "I put this here once when I thought a rat was getting into the garbage." It was now obvious that he was simply getting Dalton back for picking him up a few minutes earlier.

"Knock knock!" Dani pokes her head into the office, looking around, but seeing no one. "Dalton?"

Scott slithers back and pops up to see her. He hadn't interacted with Dani much, but knew who she was. "Oh, hey, Dani. Dalton is um... checking out some wiring."


Looking down at Gunner's side where his gun shows a little the woman seemed almost unfazed. Than glancing back up at Gunner the smile is still present in the woman's eyes though it was no longer on her lips.

"And you dont like ice cream but your here too when it would be cheaper. So I figure, we both think its more fun to freak someone out, than to simply buy something from a store."

Her eyes giving a twinkle a little before letting them fade to hide away that sparkle that was there as her face holds very little emotions again though she wasn't sad.

Holding out her hand to Gunner she offers a friendly handshake.

"Bree Connor, its always nice to meet someone who shares the same quirks."

Turning and taking the papers along with the bills from Rick Katie gives a dull nod.

"I will, thanks Rick for everything."

Turning to Jeff Katie gives a little smile and a nod before she heads out of the infermary and head back twords Reese's office handing the paper work to Susanne and heading out again. Stopping by her own desk Katie grabs a peace of paper and a pen writing a short letter.

Whats go great about normal? You asked me that once and I said nothing it was because of you Jason and your love for me. Our connection it was great, and It was the love for you that made un-normal good. Now though the answer is different, Normal is something I need to be able to heal and thats why I have to leave. I have to find my peace and who I am again. Don't hate me for doing this, I love you more than you can ever know. -Katie

PS. Tonight at 6 take one of the pills Rick gave you. Once you do, you can be normal again!

Taking the paper in hand Katie stands once more and heads to Jason's office. She would of said goodbye to him in person but he failed to show up to work. Maybe this was better anywas.

Entering the room Katie glances around. The room smelled like Jason and it was a smell that Katie loved, she had always loved it. Walking slowly over to one of Jason's shelfs Katie looks at the number of pictures that lined the shelfs. There were pictues of her and Jason, the smile on there faces that no longer eather of the wore. It seemed like such a long time ago. Katie wanted to find that smile again, that person who was taped in those pictures, and she wanted Jason to find his too.

Going back to Jason's desk Kaite
lays the paper down with a small orange bottle a tear rolled from Katie's face. She new Jason would know what to do without her even saying anything. It was hard, and it hurt, the memories that haunter her were like non other but it was something for both of them she had to do. For herself to heal, and for Jason to deal.

Taking one of the rings from her finger Katie lays it down with the paper. A memory for Jason so he wouldn't forget her. Letting out another quivered sigh Katie leaves the office and heads out of TJY. She had one more place she needed to stop, she wanted to see Carson before she headed back to the house to pack.

Hearing the tone in Scott's voice Dalton is next to him with in seconds. Looking under the desk it was dark and one could hardly see. Garbing a flash light Dalton bends down again.

"Here, watch out let my have a closer look."

Moving under the desk to take a closer look Dalton shines the light on a small black box.

"It looks like a camera or something, but why would it be here?"

Grocery store

Scott lets out a little wail, completely helpless against Dalton. With his feet off the ground though, he starts to laugh, giving the giant's arm a shove as he's set down again. Looking up at Dalton, he smirks. "Yeah, I missed you too."

Receiving the order, he glances over to the desk and sidles in behind it, sinking down in his chair. "Gladly." Looking at the computers a moment, he clicks a couple keys, then ducks his head to look under the desk. "Hey.... where did that come from..." Confusion fills his tone as his voice wavers. "Dalton? You better come... come looks at this... it's under here... near the back... ow!"

Jeff glances to Katie, letting a smile surface as he takes her hand, giving it a loving shake. "Just do me one favor, eh? Tell your aunt not to worry about me." He gives her a wink. "And take care of yourself, okay?" He knew why she was leaving... he didn't have to ask. He wanted to help, but he knew that there really wasn't anything he could do.

Rick comes up behind Katie, handing her the papers back, along with a bottle of pills. His face seemed to be one of disappointment. "Here... just make sure Jase knows and... and be careful." He rests a hand on her shoulder. "If you need anything, anything at all, call me, especially if you have trouble with the meds."

Seeing the gum, Gunner shakes his head, his eyes giving off an amused glint. "Got my own, thanks. If you're looking to curb your appetite though, chewing on napkins sometimes helps. More filling than chewing gum."


He twists around to see the counter where the waitress is holding up his half-finished float. He waves her off to tell her he was finished before turning back around, his shirt moving up a little on his hip to reveal his sidearm.

Folding his arms, he looks back to the blonde. "You don't want the ice cream, but you come here. You realize it wold be cheaper to get your own strawberries, chocolate and whipped cream from the grocery store?"