

A wry grin slowly spreads on Gunner's lips. "I guess freaking people out has always been my nature. I do like ice cream sometimes though."

Accepting Bree's hand, he gives it a strong shake. "Well, quirky Bree, I'm Brent Franklin... but friends call me Gunner."

The cell phone on his belt starts to vibrate, interrupting the brief greeting. Looking down at the number, Gunner purses his lips, not annoyed, but not happy either. "That would be my buddy Conrad, wondering where I am."

Glancing back to Bree, he gives a little nod. "I hope you enjoy your un-sundae. Tomorrow is Tilly's turn behind the counter, and she's real easy to freak out." He tosses her a wink. "Don't have too much fun."

"Gunner, where are you?" Con mutters into his phone, reaching Gunner's voicemail. "You were supposed to meet Jase and me on the corner of Madison and Park fifteen minutes ago. Call me back or show up."

Con hangs up and glances to the passenger seat where Jason is still just staring out the window as if not paying a bit of attention to anything. "Hotshot, if you're not up to this stakeout, you better say so now."

"I'm fine." Jason shrugs. "Just tired I guess."

Con sighs. "You want to talk about it?"

"Not really."

"Well if you-" Con gets interrupted by Jason's phone ringing. "That better be Gunner."

It wasn't. Jason flips open his phone. "Hi. Yeah..." His conversation doesn't last too long, but by the look on his face, it wasn't a good one. Closing his phone again, he's quiet for several moments.

Con senses something is wrong, and his tone softens. "Everything alright?"

Jason shakes his head. "That was my mom. You know Clint and Wendy?"


"They lost one of their babies."

"Oh." Con's shoulders drop a little. "That's too bad. You close to them?"

"Not really..." Jason shrugs, keeping his eyes busy roaming the street. "We're friends. Katie's pretty close to Wendy though... Mom said somebody was going to call her too." He couldn't imagine how Wendy or Clint must feel, torn between the sorrow of a loss, and the joy of still having one child. Why did everything have to hurt lately? He knew this would impact Katie too.

Though Con was saddened as well, he knew he needed to ask. "You need to pull out?"

The last thing Jason wanted right now was to be left to his own thoughts. He'd rather be on this case. "No. We've got a job to do."

Carson turns up the radio in the kitchen, his hands full today. Mabel was there for a little while and Aerith was working her tail off, but Dani wasn't supposed to come in until later. After the first good night in ages though, he was ready for the busy day. Tonight, Dani would close up for him, so he could go out with Misty, and with that in mind, he looked forward to time going quickly.

Scott stays under the desk, staring at the back as Dalton joins him. "Wha, huh?" He gives Dalton a sidelong glance while keeping a straight face. "Oh, I just wanted to see if you'd really fit under here." He reaches back and pulls the tiny camera out, studying it for a moment. "I put this here once when I thought a rat was getting into the garbage." It was now obvious that he was simply getting Dalton back for picking him up a few minutes earlier.

"Knock knock!" Dani pokes her head into the office, looking around, but seeing no one. "Dalton?"

Scott slithers back and pops up to see her. He hadn't interacted with Dani much, but knew who she was. "Oh, hey, Dani. Dalton is um... checking out some wiring."

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