

*As Katie enters Jason office the atmisphere is a low key one with many questions and thoughts hanging in the air. Though Jason was keeping most of his emotions well hidden Katie could still feel the change that something was wrong. Knowing everything they had been though it did not saprise Katie she wasnt feeling up to par herself.

As Jason comment about now that Scott was back if it changed anything Katie can feel a small twinge of pain inside of her. This question on Jason's mind was heavy and weather he showed it or not it bothered him alot. Letting out a small sigh Katie comes around to Jason's side of the desk and pulls his chair out just a little to exspose his lap. Sitting down across it Katie puts her arms around Jason's neck and locks eyes with his just being silent for a moment. Studying his eyes, looking into the ones that had captured her so long ago. The eyes that held so many mysterys, and so much hope. Finally Katie speaks.*

"Jason, I love you to no end. I always did, even after everything happend and no matter how to tryed to hide it I couldnt. I put you, Scott and myself through so much because I was foolish. I can't do that to us again. I have to be true to my heart, and I found where my happyness and love is. No Jason, Scott being back changed nothing."

*Leaning down Katie brings her lips for Jason's as her one hand finds the back of his head. Letting her passion and love show through the single kiss. The kiss that lingered not wanting to break the moment.*

".....So whats going to happen when Austin comes back? Did Carter say anything about that? Is he really that upset that he would demote you. I mean knowing Katie for as long as I have and just knowing Jason for a short amount of time sooner or later they would of found out the same stuff you did. Than they would of tryed to go save Scott on there own. Weather they would of made it out or not is another story but non the less it would of happend on way or another."

*Angelica takes another bit of her salad as she looks across the table at Reese. Much had been talked about so far as they both tryed to destress just a little bit, but the conversation always came back around to the same thing everything that has happend with Scott. Not that Angelica minded. She new Reese needed to get everything off his chest and she was just happy he trusted her enough to shair.*

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