

*Katie smiles and nods at Kyle.*

"I'll do what I can. I wont let thing happen to him for you guys. See ya tomarrow."

*Katie waves and the truck disapears. Turning to Jason Katie smiles. Her eyes twinkling. Now that she was out of the truck her body was relaxing and her mind setaling. Sooner or later her fear had to go away right? Katie takes in a deep breath of night air. How nice it was out.*

"Ya lets get you on inside you need to rest. Oh ya, the doc said next week i can go home. I'm excited."

*Katie smiles and heads with Jason into the hospetal.*

*A deep voice than can only be Herb's answers the phone.*

"Hello thank you for callin Mom and Pop's! What can we do for ya?...Oh Hey Con...Mmmmm...Mable talked to Jamie about a few hours ago. She seems ok than. Mable went to drop some stuff off to her earlyr and there was no answer so we just figured she was with you. uh huh....yeah...If we here from her we will let ya know. Ok...ok take care Con."

*Herb hangs up the phone and looks over at Mable.*

"Con said he called Jamies phone and she dident answer.t Was everything ok when you called before?"

*Mable nods her head.*

"Yes Jamie seemed fine. Maybe she is just out spending some ME time."

*Herb nods.*

"Maybe this is a rough time for her."

*Jamies eyes flutter and open slightly. Everything is still foggy, what happend, where was she. The tast of blood and cloth invade Jamie's mouth. Everything was spinning. Before Jamie new it, she was in totel darkness blacking out again.*

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