
Mom and Pop's

*Nate sighs and sits down in a chair across from Jason his head was throbing but took something for it already so it should subside soon. Nate flips through all the pics Jason handed him leting out a long sigh.*

"Wow this is heavy. Every person they did something to is in one pic or another."

*Nate takes the papers Jason handed him as well seting the pictures down. As he starts to read over the differnt information his blood starts to boil all over again. How could anyone do this to people. Nate trys his best to keep himself calm.*

"You probley right about the trace on the guns but maybe they slipped up somewhere we should try and have them traced anyways. Maybe we can give them to Katie to look into since she is back. I know she is good with that kind of stuff. Unless you think we should keep we out of it."

*Nate eyes Jason trying to read how he felt on the matter. As Jason goes on about Misty and Carson Nate trys to understand better the matter.*

"Maybe we are doing more harm by interfearing with her and Carson. We can watch them make sure Misty is ok but maybe we should stay away. We could be doing more harm by coming around and bother them. It seems any time one of us other than Misty gets close to him he closes off and goes back to squair one and Misty had to start over again. For now we SHOULD probley stay away and just hang tight. Misty seems to be ok and showing him no fear in a way elimatates him wanting to hurt her if he did. What the point in hurting someone if they arnt scaired, if they dont scream, or if they dont plead?"

*Misty cant help but laugh and yell back at him.*

"Ya well grown men dont usally run away when out on a date eather."

*Misty's sassy tone showing through. Finally when Carson leaves the bathroom Misty walks back with him to the infermary. Once inside she does what she should normaly do with the iodine and bandages though he dosent need as much as before she puts it on just the same making it look like they broke up again.*

"There ya go good as new."

*Misty slowly walks away from Carson siting down at her desk. Rick hadent be back all day or for the last few days. No one said where he was but it wasent hard to guess he was probley away on a mission where they needed a doc. Misty wasent that good yet. settaling into the chair Misty starts to write and opens a text book.*

*Katie smiles and nods at Reese.*

"Awww...how come I want to meet this charming new intern we have."

*Katie cant help but roll her eyes.*

"Something tells me I am gonna need to stay away from her unless its an emergancy or we are gonna butt heads."

*Katie cant help but laugh as she exits Reese office heading for her desk to start on her work.*

*Jamie smiles up at Con's at the invatation.*

"I'd love to go with you. I want to try and find something for Katie for her new room as well. From what I was told its bigger than her old on and she dosent have much stuff. I guess it can be a welcome home gift from us and I would never give up a chanse to see my parents."

*Jamie beams up at Con pushing herself away from the counter to grab her bag and get ready to go.*

*As the night comes to a close Kate lets out a right right before Jason walks up. She had got almost all the paper work caught up and figured tomarrow she would work on the stacks and stacks that were on Jamies desk to help her out so when she came back to work she wasent behind. Katie couldent help but be tired but she also missed spending the nights with Jason so dosent want to pass this opertunity up.*

"Ya J I think I would like that. It would be nice to spend a night with you. Like old times. I have to be home early though or Henry will get jealouse."

*Katie cant help but laugh as she shuts her computer off and gathers her stuff from her desk.*

*As Nate heads out of TJY and jumps into his car. Pulling out of the parking lot a movement catches his eye. IT was Laura. Her car must be in the shop and everyone alse had left already. There was no way he could let her walk home alone at this time of night. Not with the new info that the agency could be watching and Laura being Con's sister. PUlling the car along side Laura Nate rolls down the window.*

"Hey Laura, I was wondering if you wanted to catch a bit to eat over at Mom's and Pops. I dont wanna eat alone tonight and everyone alse to ask is gone. On top of that I cant help you walk home alone this late at night its not safe."

*Nate gives Laura a friendly smile hoping not to conva he was asking her for another reason.*

*As Misty finishes her her paper she finally closes her text book. She was bored out of her mind this stuff was all the same. All afternoon she had been working on the same thing in her book. Leaning back in her hair and puts her hands over her face and lets out a long sigh.*

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