
Little longer

*Misty gives a small nod of the head. She felt strange standing here talking to Carson but in times like this it can make you relize you have to make good, and stop being angry at someone before its to late.*

" I'm glad your taking care of yourself."

*Misty looks down for a moment before looking back up again and searching Carson's eyes. Dispite the pain, and the hurt that was still there a small spark twinkled and Misty couldnt help but smile. She wanted Carson to be ok, she wanted him to be happy in a healthy way.*

"Breakfest sounds good, as long as your cooking it. I guess I'll see you soon than."

*With that Misty turns and heads back to Kyle. She had made the first step in moving on from the past.

Giving a nod to Kyle and a smile she signls she is read to go now.*

*Katie sits as the rain still falls, her tear mixed in so it was hard to tell if it was the rain or not that wet her face. Feeling a drawing emotion, almost as if a pulse Katie knows before Jason even speeks he was close behind her.

As Kate feels Jason's emotion comfort she soaks it in like a spunge not even sure if she herself wanted it, but she took it in anyways. With something like this Katie wasnt sure what to do or how to act. She felt alone, she felt sad, and she didnt know how to relay it.

As Jason takes a knee next to Katie she finally turns her head to look at him, the rain causing her to squint her eyes to keep it out. Though feeling alone, it was nice having someone next to her that new how she was feeling without her having to try and explain. Katie really didnt want to be close to anyone at the moment, but she didnt want to feel this alone eather. Finally she musters the strangth to reply to Jason.

Please don't go.

Katie's hand reachs out and lays gently on Jason's leg as she rests her head on it.

Just for a little while longer I want to sit here. Just a little longer.

Katie's tears had stoped for now, and her heart still ached. She wasn't sure how to move on from here or what to do. So many things ran through Katie's mind not langing on one. but trying her best Katie keeps them underwrap as to not drive anyone crazy. Just leaning on Jason taking in his comfort Katie tryed to feel better.

A little while longer had passed and Katie lifted her head from Jason. It was starting to get even colder now and though Katie didnt want to leave she new she should. Giving Jason's leg a pat she starts to stand.

I'm ready to go now.

Even Katie's mentil messages seemed to lack the excitment and lift they always showed and she new it but she just didn't feel like being excited at the moment.

Leaning back down again Katie takes the small flower she had been holding and lays it ontop of the fresh dirt. Heaving a heavy sigh a few more tears spring forth.*

"Rest in peace Hun. I won't forget you."

*Turning and giving a small nod to Jason, Katie lets him know she is ready.*

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