
Your choice

Carson sees Misty approach, and for a moment, thinks that there must be someone nearby that she's aiming for, and almost steps out of the way. But as she speaks to him, he realizes that he was her destination.

Caught off guard, it takes a moment for anything to register, and she's almost ready to leave again. He fumbles for the right words to say.

"I...I thought I should come." He gives a little shrug. "It was the best I could do…not much a bloke can do, who’s broke, living in the back of a restaurant." It was meant to be a joke, but he knows how pathetic it must sound, and makes him feel all the more awkward.

"...But at least Herb's keeping me out of trouble." Another bad choice of a comment. Someone like him really did need someone to keep him out of trouble. He gives a little sigh, his eyes traveling to the ground.

Taking a deep breath, he looks back up again, regaining his composure. "Yeah...I'll take care of myself. For once...I will." He searches Misty's eyes for a moment, in the background, seeing Kyle's figure. "Take care of yourself too, huh? You guys come in for breakfast sometime...it's been kinda quiet in the mornings."

As Jason nears his truck, he reaches for the door handle, but turns around once more. His eyes catch sight of Katie, sending another lurch to his heart. Why he felt so awkward, he didn’t know. He just didn’t know how to offer any kind of comfort, and honestly, didn’t even know if Katie really wanted it anyway. He didn’t know if she’d rather grieve alone or with someone else.

Words had been few between them since the accident. Silent communication had been nothing. Neither had shut out the other, but it was close to it. Both hurting, it was hard to know what to say or when to say it. And on top of all that, Jason was still dealing with buried emotions that were in such turmoil now that it almost hurt to continue keeping them locked away. The current situation just compounded his own confusion with what he was feeling… he just wanted it to all be right again. Why did things have to be so hard?

Giving a sigh, Jason opens his door and puts a foot inside. But he just couldn’t do it. Groaning at himself, he shuts the door again. Stuffing his keys back in his pocket, he turns around and heads back to the gravesite.

He bends his head against the rain and approaches Katie slowly from behind. Standing behind her for a moment, he knows he doesn’t have to announce his presence.

A gentle package of comforting emotions is offered, whether wanted or not, and left to drift, its purpose to be felt as an arm around a shoulder.

Finally Jason moves beside Katie and goes to one knee next to her, following her gaze to the grave. I’ll leave if you want me to… but I’m here for as long as you want, too.

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