
Wont stop you

Katie cant help but laugh at Ryder. Though she did feel bad he didnt understand alot of things in america she though it was cute as well and hoped Ryder new her laughing was in fun.

"Mi Kasai, Su Kasai...it means Mine home is your home or what is mine is yours."

Gathering a few of her things up Katie throws a few things in her bag before holstering her gun before she grabs her keys from the desk. Katie new that Ryder was use to the freedome, and being able to do things and knowing where everything is. She couldnt imagen now how it must feel to not know anything and how boring it probley really was.

"Sure I can. There is always some kind of excitment going on around that place to keep you busy. Hey you never know maybe I will hire the Croc hunter to by my secratary."

Katie gives a laugh and pats Ryder's shoulder as she moves pass him and heads for the door a grin on her face. It was nice to have Ryder around. Without Laura here the house would of been quiet and Katie could imagen how alone she probley would of felt.

Sitting back down again with coffee in hand Hope juts listens to Scott for a moment. She couldnt imagen how he felt.

Scott had been doing so good on recovering and now this, a whole new problem to work through. Hope could only hope that it wouldnt set him back but continue to make him stronger.

"You know Scott in a way its not a bad thing it felt good. You wanted to protect yourself, you were tired of feeling helpless and when you stood up for yourself it made you feel good about it. Thats not a bad thing at all."

Hope takes another sip of her coffee as she runs differnt things through her own mind before saying them till finally she speaks agian.

"As for doing it again, if someone breaks into your house or is hurting someone close to you its insince to protect them the most you can and its not wrong. However there is a find line between using violance and not. You have to train your mind for differnt situations so when in a pinch or in the snap of a finger you can know what one is right and what on is not."

Hope gives Scotts arm a gentil pat.

"When it comes down to it, its you or them and I am glad you picked them this time."

Continuing to watch the prisoner Misty is a tiny bit saprised when Rick brings him food let alone, coming down by himself. Not saying anything Misty just continues to watch.

As everything starts to go south and the prisoner attacks Rick Misty stratens and runs from the next room right as Rick finsihs on the intercomb. There was no time to wast because she didnt know what the young man would do.


Standing there for a moment Misty observes the situation before acting. Crossing her arms over her chest She moves to the side away from the door.

"Let Rick go and you can go its as smiple as that and I wont try to stop you as long as you let him go first."

As the door opens and the older man steps out for a moment Jess is speechless. Just cocking her head to the side for a moment feeling as though she was stairing at an older verson of Jason. The simalaritys were uncanny.

Relzing she was stairing and maybe looking totally redickulace Jess takes just a few steps back before looking away suddanly becoming very selfcontious of her ownself and the markes she still wore on her face.

Trying to gather her strangth again she looks up and gives a nervouse but soft smile.

"Yes, I'm Jessica Fisher and I was just wondering Axel was around or you new where I could find him."

Jess was timid but she had the curage to ask, the rest would be easy so she would hope.

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