
Mi kasai, su kadai

Staying with Scott Hope does not mind at all. She new Scott needed someone to be with him and if that someone was her than so be it. The worst that would happen is She would have to call the office and tell her secretary to cancel her appointments.

Entering the room again Katie gives a smile to Hope. It was nice to see Scott had other friends outside of TJY, and that he trusted someone else. It made Katie feel good to know Scott was opening up again.

"Its nice you came to check on Scott. I am guessing Rick call you?"

Being pulling out of her own thought Hope looks up at Katie and Jason giving a smile and a nod.

"Yeah Rick filled me in on what happened. I tryed to hurry over here as fast as I could because he didn't give me much detail and I wasn't sure how bad Scott was."

Hope looks over at Scott his eyes still closed. Just studying his silent face Hope gives his hand a gentil squeeze before looking back at Jason and Katie again.

"He could of been much worse than he is now, I'm just happy is ok."

Giving a nod Katie was a bit surprised.

She seems offly close to Scott for just being his therapist. I don't know maybe that's just my protective side kicking in.

Looking to Jason and than Hope again Misty quietly excuses herself going out into the hall. Pulling out her phone she dials home quick. Knowing Ryder probley wouldnt pickthe phone Katie continues to wait through the rings till finally the answering masheen picks up.

"Hey Ryder its Katie. I just wanted to let you know I am not sure when I will be home. Have to work late night, but if you want there is some money there on the counter and a whole mess of meus in the second draw from the wall in the kitchen. Also you can help yourself to anything in the fridg and cubord. Mi kasai, sue kasai! If you get bored you can mosey into my room and look at the two whole racks I have full of movies to watch. Anyways just didnt want you to worry. See ya soon."

Misty's own instincts kick in as she see Rick with the young man as he trys to struggle. Going over to him and trying to help Misty trys to stay calm.

"It will make it easyer on you if you just do as we say and dont try to resist."

Going over to the tray that had the differnt items on it Misty gets another saring and preps it. Than moving back to the young man she trys her best to find his vein and stick him though with all his moving it was around. Growing annoyed herseld Misty looks the man in the eyes and in a gruf tone retorts.

"If you dont quit moving I am just gonna shove this needle anywhere and its going to hurt you a whole heck of alot more than it is me."

Trying to get the coffoperation of the prisoner Misty see it is not working and giving up much care she just takes the needle and shoves it in his arm. Though for a moment as the lets the liqued release into his veins her eyes meet his and Misty gets a flash back of when Carson was in this room and hurt himself a long time back. It was a major case of dejavu. The look in his eye was almost the same, the pearcing blue, the hard cold stair. It gave Misty a chill.

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