
Standing Tall

*Wendy wheels herself over.* " I'll play winners."

*Rosetta nods to Mick. Looking at him in the eyes* "Ya. I just..dident want her to have to deal with this stuff just cuz she was a Pent. And she is anyways. Its going to be quiet but I am going to be happy when this will be over and we can start our lifes without worrying."

*As Carter looks to Katie she stands tall. Taking off her sunglasses and puting them in her pocket now it is visable just how much she really dose look like Rosetta. Almost spiting image when sehw as younger. Standing tall she replys.* " I wouldent be standing here if I dident believe he should get his job back." *Katie locks eyes with Carter not backing down by his percing stair.* " Jason has shown me what true lolty is and what sticking up for youself means. He has more curage than anyone I have known. And he has risk life and body for this comany."*Katie steps around Jason to stand next to him and be able to look better at Carter. Strating her shoulders she continues.* "When he was kidnaped he dident give in and tell the Agency about anything. He was strong and kept his mouth shut. Thats alot more than most people can say. He also drove 10,000 miles to get his job back. I would say that in its self shows true deadacation. Yes, he did breach sacurity, and He did almost try to kill Austin but thats was than and this is now. He's changed and he now alot better than he was. Sometimes facing death does that. Trust me I know that myself. If anyone deserves to be here its Jason." *On the outside Katie looks strong, determend. But on the inside she is shaking like a leaf.*

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