

Carter studies Katie intently, watching her ever move, listening to every voice inflection. As she concludes, he rubs his chin thoughtfully, the hint of a smile still visible. He shift his focus back to Jason. “You’ve got quite a loyal friend here.”

Jason nods decisively. “Yes, sir, I do.”

The wheels turning in Carter’s mind are almost tangible as he turns around to look at his bookcase again, searching for another title. “And do you agree with what she says?”

Jason chooses his response carefully. “I can only hope that I may live up to such a reputation as that.”

Carter retrieves a book to look through, though continues to speak. “You’ve changed, Jason… I can’t quite put my finger on it, but if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’d done some growing up.” He glances at Jason out of the corner of his eye. “You can back up that confidence of yours - you always have been able to. That’s why you’re so valuable. But I was scared for a while that you’d let your cockiness run away with itself.” He scans the contents of his book. “You’ve matured, Jason. And that’s a good thing.”

Jason isn’t sure how to respond, so remains silent as Carter continues.

“You do realize though, that if I repeal your suspension, that some might think I’m showing favoritism. You are my great-grandson after all.”

Jason grits his teeth, again picking and choosing his words. “If you allow others’ skewed opinions rule your own decisions, then you’re not who I think you are.”

“Austin and I worry about you, you know.”

Jason thinks for just a moment. “Someone once told me that they would rather die knowing they did something to help than live knowing they did nothing.” He stares at his grandfather boldness. “I’ve worked hard to gain the position I have at TJY because I care about its mission. If what I do here helps one person, then it’s been worth it. I would hope that others’ concern for my safety would not override my own desire to do what is right…to do the things that I was born to do.”

Carter lets his book fall shut, and looks back to Katie, seeming to change the subject once again, though one might wonder if he is collecting bits and pieces of information to complete a puzzle in his mind. “You remind me an awful lot of your aunt, Katie. She had that same spark…that same fire in her eye. And she had the biggest heart I’d ever seen. She also was a good judge of character, and never one to put another person down, but she always saw the potential and the good.” He pauses, looking back and forth between the two young people. “I have a feeling that if I turn down this request, that I will not be rid of either one of you.”

“No, sir.” Jason stand straighter. “If you decline, you can bet that I will be continuing to work on this case with or without TJY. It would be my strong suggestion to put me back on this case through this company so at least you can keep an eye on me and keep me informed, lest I ruin an undercover plan by this department.”

A genuine chuckle emerges from Carter, and he shakes his head. A strange twinkle sparks in his eye and he looks back at Katie for a moment, then back at Jason. “Alright. Your suspension is lifted.”

Relief sweeps over Jason, but he remains composed. “I’d like to have that in writing.”

“Of course you would.” Carter move to his desk, taking out a sheet of paper and signing it. “I wouldn’t expect you to walk out of here without it.”

Jason’s eyes widen as he sees the paper. “You had it already drawn up?”

Carter hands it over to him. “Don’t dwell on a test once it’s been passed, Jason. Now go. Safe journey.”

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