

*Rosetta takes one more look around the barn and sighs. She was geting older alright. There was a time when she could stay up all night, but not anymore. Time was catching up to her. Shuting off the lights and making sure the barn door was shut Rosetta heads to her office for the night.*

*Wes smiles at Cindy.* "We sure are. How about you come sit next to me babe and watch Clint defeat his chair again." *Wes says in a teasing tone.*

*Wendy bursts out laughing.* "Wow...I wont ever forget this." *Wendy once again trys to keep a solam face,* "So we gonna keep playing cards or is mister hodieani over there still doing his tricks with the chair."

*As Katie wakes she can feel Jason uneasyness. He's not in trouble...but he is restless. Katie throws the blankets back and hopes out of the bed. Leaving her room, she makes her way to Jason's door. Spoting a chair she pulls it up to the wall and sits down. Katie dosent want to disturb Jason but she hopes maybe her presence outside the door will give Jason enough comfort to at least get alittle bit of shut eye.*

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