
Take off

*As Misty's flight number is called for bording Misty stands grabing her carry on bag. Looking around She trys to see Alec, if he dident hurry he was gonna miss the plain. Leting out a sigh something pulls on Misty heart and gut telling once again to stay. Not to get on the plain like a warning. SHaking the feeling from her Misty heands the boarding attendent her ticket and gets on the plain. She had to do, she had to try and move on find who she was again. Finding her seat Misty sits down and stairs out the window. Soon this would all be behind her and in 24 hours she would be starting her new life. Trying to pick up the broken peaces.*

*Jamie smiles at Con. Reaching out she puts her hand on him.*

"Its ok Hun. I know your tired and I dont hold it aganst you. I like having your company around. I dont have to say anything to you can I could walk away feeling I had the best conversation."

*Jamie smiles again at Con as she grabs a fry and eats it continplating.*

"You know if the lunber yard ever gets to be to much my dad would LOVE to have you work with him. He likes you alot Con, your like a son to him."

*Katie giggles as she runs up to Nate as she heads Laura yelling. Nate looks up in saprise at Katie and than hearing Laura yell. Katie pants for breath as she talks.*

"Nate....Laura....want....to....know if ....you...want to..."

*Katie stops for a moment still laughing shooting a look behind her to Laura.*

"She wants to know if you.....want to come to come to lunch with us."

*Nate himself cant help but laugh at the two womans antics. It was good seeing Katie laughing and smiling. It might not be for long she would but alittle here and there was good and showed Nate she was gonna be ok.*

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