

Kyle gives Misty a little smirk at her comment, but holds his smile, tilting his chin up to show an arrogance that states he'll keep that smile just because he's capable and is good at fooling others. Only after she walks away does he let it fade, rolling over to trying and sleep.

Rick rubs his face wearily, keeping his voice low. "I don't know, Misty. We can hope that his body will heal itself. I just don't feel right about surgery until we're sure. Someone like him, I don't want to take that risk unless absolutely necessary. We'll just have to keep an eye on it. He needs to give his vocal cords as much rest as possible at this point. And..."

He gestures to some analysis printouts. "I don't know. The poison appears to be the same. But I'm wondering if he got a double dose." He points to something else. "I got the results from testing that water in his glass, and it came back positive. Phil has been told not to drink any water or touch anything until we can go over their apartment, and I guess Jason's going to keep Trooper over there for a night until we figure out what's going on."

Rick shakes his head. "The only problem is, that Phil did have some water this morning and he had no ill effects. So I don't know..." He gives a little sigh and shuts off the light over the counter. "For now, I'm going home. There's no point in going over this stuff until we find out more tomorrow. If you need anything in the night, don't hesitate to call."

Scott grins and wheels his chair closer to Katie to grab her around the waist and pull her into his lap, planting a kiss on her lips. "Neglecting you? Me? Never!" His smile widens. "You me, dinner, my place...how about it? Oh, and Domino, of course." Not letting her respond, he gives her another short kiss. "Good, it's all set then. Last one there is a rotten egg." Dumping Katie off his lap, he sprints for the door."

The sun never stops its course. The earth never stops spinning or straightens its tilt. Morning must come.

Jason rummages through some papers, unable to concentrate. The only thing he could think about was Kyle...and Carson. Yesterday he'd heard about the little confrontation outside Mom and Pop's, and now Carson was a prime suspect for the poisoning. Jason wouldn't have thought he'd actually do something like that, but they didn't have anywhere else to turn, and Carson had threatened, had motive, and had the means.

Finally making up his mind, Jason grabs his crutches and makes his way out onto the main floor to Nate's cubicle. "Hey..." He pauses in the entry way. "Been thinking about Kyle and all that... what do you say we go pick up Carson for a little questioning session?"

Kyle stares up at the ceiling, rolling his fingers on the blanket. Boredom didn't quite cover this feeling. He'd tossed and turned all night, this morning his head hurt and his throat hurt like the dickens, and if he was told to rest one more time, he's scream...if he could, that is.

Rick had been in to check on him. Misty had been in and out...right now it was way too quiet in here.

Sighing, he reaches over onto the bedside table to grab the paper and pen. Starting to jot down some words, he plays a tune in his head. Songwriting was his outlet, and today...after yesterday...he needed it.

Carson comes slowly into the back of Mom and Pop’s, half an hour late. A cut over his eye is bandaged, and he’s sporting a bruise along the whole side of his face, with several smaller cuts. His baseball cap shields most from noticing his condition unless one is close.

He sets his two bags down on the floor, shoving them into a corner out of the way of anyone. Today he had nowhere to keep them. The car accident last night had seen to that, and his lack of insurance would see to it that he wouldn’t be able to afford a place of his own for a while. He was tempted to ask Herb if he could sack out here tonight, but wasn’t sure he even had the nerve to ask.

Making his way to the kitchen, he grabs an apron, his eyes downcast. He offers no reason or excuse for being late, and simply starts to work, silence ruling his actions.

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