
Two rooms

Rick tries to assure Katie. “No, you don’t have to come in. I’m going to stay the rest of the night to keep an eye on him. As I speak, he’s settling down more, so I’m hoping he’ll just sleep. I’ve got to figure this out though…if he hadn’t called me….” He lets the statement trail off. “Well, we just won’t think about that one….. Thanks for checking in, Katie. If anything happens I’ll call you, otherwise we’ll see you in the morning.”

Jason’s body is too tired to stay awake, and it doesn’t take much for him to drift off, while Rick keeps a very close eye on him.

Awakening from slumber, the sun slowly creeps up to the horizon, hesitates, then bursts forth, sending streams of color across the land. Long shadows form across the landscape as the sun moves slowly, casting it’s glow to the earth.

Carson opens one eye, glances around, then opens the other one groggily. Where on earth…

Getting his bearings, he realizes that he’s in his hotel room. Lying in bed on his side, Misty is curled up next to him, his arm around her. He wasn’t even sure how they both had ended up there…he’d been exhausted.

Seeing the sun peeking through the thick window curtains, he inwardly groans. He wanted more sleep. But there was too much to plan today, and whether they strayed far or not, they had to stay on the move.

“So much for two rooms,” he mumbles.

The infirmary is all one big blur at first, and Jason rubs his eyes, trying to focus. Eventually, he takes in his surroundings, seeing the lights…seeing Rick.

“Well, good morning, Hotshot.” Rick greets him and comes over to take his vitals. “Good to see you awake.”

“Mmm.” Jason grimaces a little, the throbbing pain still in his knee.

“You realize you just about gave me a heart attack Rick chides. “Do you remember anything?”

Jason thinks for a moment, then nods. “Yeah…I think so. I just….” He shakes his head. “I can’t even explain it.”

“Well neither can I.” Rick retrieves a syringe to draw blood. “But I’ve been trying to figure it out all night.”

Jason yawns and stretches just a little, the fog lifting from his mind. Then a thought strikes him. “Did Katie…”

“Yeah, she called. By that time, though, you were already pulling through.”

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