

*Katie keeps her head on Jason's chest for a long moment feeling his hand run through her hair. Her own mind started to settle, and alow her to think. Her strength returning slowly. She listened to Jason and Rick talk for a moment before slowly turning her head to Rick she gives alittle nod.*

"I...think so."

*Katie sits up and sways alittle but steadys herself out. Still holding Jason's hand. She felt comfortable knowing he was close and she wasent alone.*

"Other than feeling crazy. I just feel really tired, thirsty, and alittle bit scaired."

*Katie looks at Jason worry in her eyes. This wasent fair to Jason, to be put through this to have to feel death. She hated knowing she dident have controll of this eather. When she blocked out the emotions or not. She dident like the feeling of no controll.*

"I don't ever want to do that again. I don't want to hurt you again."

*Katie looks back at Rick her own confustion pressent. She was at a lost for an idea on what to do. Maybe Jason could teach her how to open and close like he did, but Katie couldent help but feel that, thats not really something that can be taught.*

"I dont think this will ever go away, but we have to learn how to controll this or something. Its an amazing gift, but a horrable curse. Being able to save someone's life, but kill them at the same time. I don't want anything bad to happen. I fear telling anyone alse, if this got into the wrong hands, if the Agency new....they could us it aganst us. That in itself is a scariy thought too."

*Katie looks down her her hand interlocked with Jason running her thumb over his fingers. She liked being Jason's hero, and she dident want that to end. But she also wanted him to have a life and not have to worry about her all the time and if she could feel what he was feeling. It wasent far to him. Jason was trying to live again and now this, she hated that in a way it was holding him back.*

"So now what do we do? If you can think of any hints or tips Rick, it would be great to hear them."

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