
Oh so busy

*Katie stands watching Jason for a moment, as the feeling seap into her mind. Slow at first but than they hit with suck a force it almost brings her to her knees. Katie claps to Jason's hand. Her fingers tighting. The feelings of Jason and Camryn invading her mind showing her the passion the tears roll down her cheek as a small cry escaps her lips. Its hurt...it hurt so bad in more ways than one.*


*Katie brings her free hand to her head. Than suddanly it was gone. The emotions were gone, and he mind was once again empty. Slowly Katie's eyes stricken with tears looks up at Jason searching his face.*

"I...I don't feel anything now."

*Katie searchs Jason eyes looking for the answer to there question.*

*Misty cant help but giggles. She had to addmit that was kind of fun.*

"I don't know I'll have to check my oh so busy life to see if I can fit it in."

*Giving a grin she dosent say anything for a moment looking bad at the small Cafe.*

"Ok, I guess I have time."

*Turning she walks back to the car with him and gets in the passanger side. Geting out of here sounds good to me. They diden't have anything good on that menu anyways. Who in there right mind likes eggs benedict?!"

*Misty sticks out her toung and makes a grossed out face quick before rolling down her window and sticking her arm out to catch a cool breeze.*

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