

Jason refuses to look at Katie, lest his walls crumble, but he gives her hand a little squeeze, letting her know that he appreciates her. He says nothing on the way to TJY, lost in his own thoughts.

Getting out of the car, he leans on Katie just a little as his knee retaliates from everything that happened. Once inside, Reese is just on his way out. He stops in his tracks, his eyes going wide. "When I told you to go home because you looked like crap, I expected you to return in better shape, not worse!" He looks at Jason with concern. "What happened?"

Jason stands a little straighter, his wall full in place to avoid any emotional battles or displays. "Someone burned my house down. I'm here to call my mom and to spend the night in my office."

"What?!" Reese's eyes go even wider. "What do you mean they burned your house down?"

"How many ways can I say it?" Jason keeps his cool, though his temper has a short fuse right now. "Someone lit a match and it went up in smoke. Everything is gone. I have to talk to the authorities tomorrow, and I'm sure they'll have an investigation because it's already been stated that they think it's arson." He throws his hands in the air. "That's it."

"Oh, Jason, I am so sorry." Reese's whole body language changes. "You sure you want to stay here? You can stay at my place if you want. Do you even have any clothes or anything here?"

Jason shakes his head. "No...I'll stay here, but thanks. And no - what you see is what I got. But...I'll manage." He nods, and turns to head to his office, ending the conversation.

Reese looks to Katie and speaks a little quieter. "I don't like that look in his eye. Keep a watch on him, will ya, and call me if he does need something."

Jason trudges to his office, sinking down in his chair to bury his face in his hands on his desk. He had to go clean up...He had to figure out what all had been lost... he had to call his mother. Dread fills him. How was he going to tell his mother that all of her things were gone? She had some of her belongings with her back in Texas, but most everything had still been here. Jason couldn't begin to count all that was now gone. Everything he'd ever been able to call consistent and stable was now gone. Raising his head, he picks up the phone. He hears the dialtone waiting, but his finger hovers above the buttons, unable to make the call.

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