

*Misty smiles at Carson's words. She really did see alot more than everyone alse did. Carson let her see the lost little boy, he lets her see the man that wanted to take a chanse, and just wanted one.*

"Your dad sounds like he was a pretty smart guy to me. He's be mighty proud of you Carson that your trying to turn your life around."

*MIsty smiles at Carson as she sits up on the table her legs dangling. Misty searchs Carson's eyes, her had her own questions inside her she wish could be answered but she was the only one who could do that and she dident know where to start. How had she fallen for Carson so fast, that spark he gave her, the excitment, the laughter, it made her feel so happy inside. Something she hadent felt for so long. It was nice to have someone she could lean to again. Smiling as Carson turns to leave Misty new she drove the boy crazy but even though she showed no fear it was nice to be reassured he wouldent do anything to harm her or this special bond they shaired.*

"Ok, I'll be up in alittle bit."

*Misty turns walking back to the dartboard pulling the darts out and walking back. Shooting all 3 darts they hit the bulls eye. Misty smiles to herself and goes to retreave them once again.*

*As the door on the Cafe rings Lockheart looks up from her paper work to see Katie with two other men. Puting her paper work away Lockheart stands and smiles.*

*Katie scans the room till her eyes lay on Lockheart.*

"Yep there she is."

*Katie walks over to her with the other. Not even hesatating Misty gives Lockheart a hug.*

"Its been to darn long Lockheart."

*Lockheart smiles back and hugs Katie.*

"That is has, You look the same though just happyer. Please sit and join me?!"

*Katie nods and than looks at Nate and Reese.*

"Lockheart this is Nate, and this is Reese. Guys this is Jason's lawyer Lockheart."

*Lockheart exstends her hand to each one of the men and smiles.*

"Its nice to meet you gentalmen."

*Nate smiles and shakes Lockhearts hand. Pulling out a chair for Katie he takes one next to her and sits down.

After siting down Lockheart waits for everyone to get comfortabele and situated before speeking.*

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