

Giving a chuckle and a soft smile it was differnt from most she had shown before. This time it was the feeling of doing something nice for Gunner and though he was a bit confused the look behind the confusion offered a warm feeling inside of her.

"Mmmm...keeping everyone on there toes is good."

Giving another smile to Gunner the humor returns to Bree's eyes even though words were very turn.

"Your welcome, but dont sell you friends short just yet, they are kind of doing the backwards crazy thing too. Your here because they care not because they don't have faith in you."

Giving Gunners hand a gentile pat Bree knows his change in subject was because he hating being here, and maybe even a little embarrassed. She couldnt blame him she would feel the same way though she would never call Gunner on it and make it worse. Moving her chair a little closer to him so she could look Bree runs his fingers over the picture bumping her hand into his for a moment and leaving it there still looking at the picture not even really relize she had done it.

"Ohhh..the constellation that never was....I am going to have to look for it next time I take my nightly walk."

Turning her head a little bit more to see Gunner's face Bree's smile was gone now though the twinkle was in her eye. Holding up her hand Bree moves her fingers in the air as if doing a magic trick. With a flick of her wrist and than opening her hand to reveal a pencil.

"I wasn't born yesterday, a pretty pen, for my handsome vampire friend."

Giving a smile and a thoughtful nod to JT Amanda listened very intently. It was nice hearing about some one else and listing to them talk about there family.

"Thats nice that you have someone your close to. We all need that closeness in our lifes its just how God intended it. Him, than loved ones no matter who they were."

Taking the last sip of her coffee Amanda gives a small sigh and throws her cup into the trash before looking down at her watch. Time had sure flown by and it had already been an hour.

"Well...I hate to break this up but the tests should be done by now. I dont want to make Ryan wait any longer than she already has. Its going to be a little bit once we get the blood into her still. Though this has been a really nice time and I would like to do it again. That is if you want."

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