
Small talk

Smiling and looking back at JT Amanda takes a sip of her coffee before just holding it again. It wsas nice to have someone to talk to. Well sure she talked with people every day but this...it was different and she kind of liked it.

"Dad's been gone for quite a few years now, and my mom lives in that nursing home for the elderly people who are still independent just need a little extra watchful eye over them on North St. I try to see her when I can. She's the only one I have left now."

Amanda new a little about JT but not a whole lot even if she didnt work with him almost every day. She tryed to keep to herself most of the time, and some days got so wrapped up in her work she didn't even realize when someone else was around.

"Well I know a little about you, you have Bree around but I dont know much else about this mysterious dr that works with me..."

Amanda's mouth turns up into a small smile.

"..Do you have anyone else in the area too?"

Wanting to talk more Ryan was over come with a suddon feeling of being tired. She didnt want to sleep, she was scaired to sleep what if she didnt want up again? So many things would be left undone that now she thought about. But not being able to help it she lays her head back and closes her eyes being quiet for a long moment, one might have thought she really did fall asleep till finally her voice was soft, as she tryed to pry her eyes open again.

"When I get out of here, I'd like to go see John. He always told me I'd make a good race care driver. I have to tell him he was right."

Letting out a sigh and close her eyes Ryan couldnt help it anymore as the feeling of being tired was to much to over come.

"Thank...you for coming Eli."

Making her way over to the table seeing Gunner had been with the nurse at first, and than him spitting out the pills Bree shakes her head, but would say nothing on it.

Slipping into the chair next to him while he back was still turn Bree clears her throat a little.

"So, does this mean you dont want the root beer float without the ice cream? Since your a vampire and all?"

No smile played on Bree's face but danced in her eyes. It had taken a little magic for them to have let her in to see Gunner but she was a nurse after all, and after telling them if they didn't let her in she would just admit herself to get in they deiced it wasn't worth the paper work and trouble.

"I thought maybe you could use some company, and maybe something to pass the time."

Reaching into her bag Bree pulls out a few books, some on stars and astroligy, while others had crossword puzzles and word search, also a pad of paper was fashioned.

"These are for you and I dont need them back anytime soon. I'd ask how you were, but I think I already know. Freaked anyone else here besides that nurse out?"

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