
Quiet life

Gunner gives a little jump, startled by someone right beside him. Discovering that it's Bree, he lifts his eyebrows in surprise. "I..." Her comment about him being a vampire quirks the edge of his mouth into a crooked grin.

Seeing what she'd brought him, he's just silent for several moments, his eyes looking at the rootbeer float, and then the books he itched to open. The question of "why?" was written all over his face, but he didn't ask aloud.

"Well... vampires do sometimes have other cravings..." He pulls the treat a little closer, still confused and hesitating. "So I suppose... this once..." Taking a sip, he tries it, letting the sensation spark his tastebuds. "No point in sticking to a boring pattern like sucking blood anyway. Gotta liven it up to keep the others on their toes."

Quiet for another moment, he finally looks to Bree. "Thank you. It, um... this is nice. I didn't think I'd have your company again after putting a knife to you uncle's throat. I guess this means either you don't think I'm a killer or you don't care about your uncle. But... I know that isn't true so..." He shrugs. "Glad someone still has some faith in me."

Another pause is him taking more of his float. Wanting to avoid talking about himself or how he was, he reaches for one of the astronomy books. Turning the pages, his eyes show his fascination. Flipping to a page of constellations, he points on out. "If you look to the eastern sky this time of year, you can see this one right above the horizon."

As he talks, the nurse walks by and gives him a wary glance. He meets her gaze, flashing his teeth and biting the air. Her response is to walk away - very quickly.

Gunner swallows a laugh and looks back to the book. Browsing for a few minutes, he glances to the puzzle books. "You didn't happen to smuggle in a pen, did you?"

Eli manages a small smile. He wasn't sure if going to see John was a good idea at this point or not, but if that's what Ryan wanted, then he would help her.

Seeing her drifting off, Eli knows she is tired. "You don't have to thank me."

He pats her arm. "Rest now... just rest. I'll still be here when you wake up."

JT listens with interest to Amanda. nodding a little. Getting back to him, he gives a little shrug. "Oh, around here, it's just me. I'm glad I got Bree around though. I guess I kind of treat her like the daughter I never had. Since I'm the only family she's got in the area too, it works out. I don't know if she knows how much I enjoy her company."

He takes another sip of coffee, grinning. "I'd hardly call myself mysterious. I guess work here just keeps me busy."

Knowing it was only fair if he shared about his family too, he continues. "My dad and I never got along too well. He's up in Utah now. My mom died a few years ago from heart disease. I got an uncle in Montana I'm pretty close too though. He always wanted to get me into law enforcement like him, but I took this route instead. Maybe I look out for Bree 'cause I have a really close uncle, too, and I want her to have the same."

He gives a little shrug. "I live a quiet life, so I'm afraid I don't have any exciting details."

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