

*Katie wakes with a start from her bed. She had been woken from a deep sleep. Tossing the covers back Katie ambles out of her bedroom quietly making her way down the hall and to the kitchen. Checking the rooms as she passed. Nothing seemed out of place. Reaching into the fridge to get something to drink she feels it again causing the container she was holding to shatter on the floor. Just standing in the middle of the kitchen for a moment a feeling of panic over comes Katie. This time the panic wasent sent to her from someone, the panic was of her own. Something had startled her this feeling of joy, this tingle, almost like sticking your finger in a soket. Sent from only one person. The feeling to know he was happy was good, it made Katie feel good to know he was trying to be happy again, but it came so fast to someone not exspecting it. As quick at the feeling came, the feeling went as well. The emotions shuting like a closed door.

Giving her head alittle shake Katie snaps out of it. That was strange and something she never experinced before. The feelings she felt, were something she new shouldent be shaired and why she felt them she wasent sure. Grabing a rag and the garbage can Katie starts to clean up her mess. Stanging again Katie is still a bit shakes and grabs a drink again. Then heading to bed pulling the covers up to her chin and her mind wanders. Closing her eyes Katie finally falls asleep.*

The light of the moon pass over all. Some who are awake get to see it, and those alseep it watches over them. The stars keeping the secrets of those who try to hide. Soon the moon goes down its time to rest taking the secrets, dreams and hopes of all with it. The sun poking its head over the harizon ready to start the day.

*As Misty enters her office the bear and flower waiting a smile spreads across her face. Sometimes it was the small things that mattered the most. Puting her purse and keys into her desk Misty makes her way to the breakroom to grab some coffee. Decieding maybe Carson would like some too she grabs an extra cup.

Heading twords Carson desk Misty sets the coffee on the desk along with her own leaning over and giving him a kiss.*

"Good Morning Babe, and thank you."

*Misty grins as she takes her coffee and sips from it.*

"Would you like to go to Mom and Pops tonight? I havent been there in a while and they started a new thing on Monday night with karaoke. I though it would be fun to watch people make a fool of themselfs."

*Katie lets out a yawn as she takes another swig of her OJ. She eas extreamly exsausted this morning. It had been a restless night full of tossing and turning. Sleeply looking up from her computer screen she can hear Jason coming.

Mixed emotions still ran around inside of her about last night and what she felt, but she dident want to voice or shair them and embarss Jason.

As Jason draws closer Katie smiles up at him. Hearing the consert went good made her feel better.*

"Good, I'm glad everything worked out well. I could tell you were in good hands, well taken care of...."

*Katie pauses for a moment before continuing.*

"All of you guys were. Nate as good a bodyguard if not better than me any day. I'll be at the next show though. It felt to strange not being there. I bet you guys rocked huh?"

*Entering the small dinner Lockheart scans the faces. Jamie had shown her a picture of Bret so she had a general idea of who he was. Spoting him she slowly makes her way over to the take. Exstending her hand she gives a friendly smile and slids into the booth.*

"Bret Parker? I am Angelica Lockheart."

*Lockheart sets her brefcase down and orders a coffee before turning to Bret again. Giving alittle roll of her eyes.*

"My sister should be alone shortly she will be assisting me on this case. I guess you could say she is my aprentis. So before we start I'd like to wait for her in hopes she wont be long."

*Geting her coffee Lockheart takes a sip making small till till her sister showed up.*

"I hope you enjoyed your weekend. It was very nice weather we had."

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