
Stand by your side

*Charlotte looks to Bret as he talks on the phone.Her worry from the one sided conversation growing. She wasnt sure what was going on but whatever it was it didnt sound good.

Once Bret is off the phone Charlotte turns to him her eyes scanning his own.*

"What, we have proof you wernt there. You were getting married after all. They can't do this."

*The worry courses through Charlotte as her stomach tights into knots. What if they DIDNT believe them. Would Charlotte be losing her husband already after such short of a time.*

"I wan't to say run, with all my heart I wanna flip this coin and I wanna take off with you. But if we do that how long will we have to run and will it make it harder for us to prove your innocent?!"

*Charlotte reaches out to take Bret's hand in her own. Running her thumb across it as she looks down at it. She never worryed much and always played things by ear but for once Charlotte was worryed, and she was looking into the future on what would happen.*

"Maybe going to Angelica is the best thing. She helped you before, and I am pretty sure she will believe us. She's not going to be happy but if we can get her to keep quiet long enough we can explain things."

*Charlotte lets out a long sigh and leans her head back aganst the car seat.*

"No matter what happend Bret I'll be here. I'm your wife now, I wont leave you high and dry. We go through this together."

*Charlotte gives Bret's hand a gentil aqueeze to let him know she was there and she would never leave him. If he even needed someone now was the time and Charlotte was confadent enough to stand next to him through thick and thin.*

*Katie's own eyes widen just a little as she looks at the new cleaned up bike in Jason's driveway. Getting out along with Jason Katie gives a small head shake.*

"I..have no idea on this one. As far at I new it was still at Mike's too."

*Katie runs her fingers over the bike and than back to Jason.*

"Maybe one of the guys did it for you?"

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