

Jason rests his own head against Katie's, and settles in for the flight home. It would be soon enough that everyday crazies were back... he wasn't looking forward to getting back to work, and enjoying this quiet time now was nice.

Carson gives a wave and smile to Jess as she leaves. "Yeah - milkshakes it is. Later." Watching her leave for a moment, he glances to Aerith and tosses her a wink. "Jess needs friends...thanks for being one."

Remembering the menu he was supposed to be working on, he turns to head back into the kitchen. Passing Mabel on his way, he grins. "We won't forget the pumpkin pie."

Heading down the road, the radio is loud, the sunroof open, even though it's chilly. The scenery flies by as the black Corvette heads away from Vegas.

Bret taps his fingers on the steering wheel, looking through his sunglasses at the long road ahead. Looking in the rearview mirror though, he frowns a little, then glances at his speed. "Okay, so I was going a little fast, but that cop back there has been tailing us for ages now."

He throws Charlotte a teasing grin. "You did get rid of that body from the trunk, didn't you?"

A few more miles, and surprisingly, the police cruiser passes them, speeding ahead of them down the highway.

"Mm-hmm..." Con cradles the phone on his shoulder as he warms up his lunch in the microwave. "So they called off the cops? Why?"

"They wanted to see if he went anywhere other than home. There's going to be someone waiting for him though once he gets there."

Con frowns at Reese's serious tone. "This isn't good, is it?"


"Well...I'm glad I called. Thanks for telling me. I know it's private information."

"Ah, well...I trust you, and I know you're Bret's friend."

"So what's he looking at?"

"Armed robbery and murder."

"I just can't think he was involved."

"I guess we'll have to see what he says about it. I've given orders to take him downtown to the station once they have him. Even though it's TJY's case, I figure the jail is a better place to handle this to keep everything in the open."

"Yeah...I suppose..." The microwave beeps and Con finishes getting his meal. "Alright. Well, thanks. I'll talk to you later." Ending the call, he stares at his warmed up leftovers, deep in thought. He just could't believe Bret had done anything like this...he'd worked with him... been his friend... sure, Bret had a record, but...

Con shakes his head. What he was about to do was totally out of line. But he didn't want fear to cause a ruckus one Bret got back... and if this could be approached the right way...

Bret's cell phone rings, and he rolls his eyes. He'd ignored all incoming calls the last couple days, but now figured he could start taking them again. He was on his way home, so it didn't matter all that much.

Reaching into the backseat, he grabs his phone to answer it, keeping one hand on the wheel. "Yeah, hello." He smile. "Hey, Con, what's up? Me? Oh, just been out of town." He winks at Charlotte. "Naw, I'm on my way back now, actually, I... what's that?"

Bret's tone suddenly changes as his face pales slightly. "Whoa, whoa, hang on a minute..." Concentrating on his driving, Bret pulls off onto the shoulder and puts his car in park. "What was that? ...But I... No, you gotta believe me." His eyes widen. "Honest, I was out of town. Yeah... Yeah, I do have someone who could testify to that." He glances at Charlotte again. "She's sitting right here. Yeah...Charlotte...I.... No, it's not..." He rolls his eyes. "Long story. Look, are you sure? Well what do I do? I can't... Oh... Well.... But what if...." He taps his fingers on the steering wheel as his nervousness grows. "No, I don't. .....No, Con... I'm telling the truth. I wasn't there. Yeah... Okay, I guess.... I'll decide..." He shrugs lamely. "Appreciate it. Okay. Bye."

Flipping his phone shut, he just sits for a moment, stunned, before looking at Charlotte again. Worry coursed through his eyes. "The police are waiting for me at hom. There's a warrent out for my arrest for armed robbery and murder... They say they have proof that I was there."

He swallows hard and looks out at the road again. He had a choice.... "Con says we should go straight to TJY since your sister's boss is handling the case, rather than going and getting arrested. Turn myself in, basically, to try to prove my innocence." The other choice was to turn south and keep on going.

Bret catches Charlotte's eyes. "What if they don't believe us? What if they try to put me away?"

Getting from the airport, Jason's truck is waiting, where Con had been good enough to park it for him. Deciding to slip by his place first, Jason drives home to drop off his bag before heading to TJY. It was early evening... early enough people would still be at TJY, and late enough that supper wouldn't be too much of a wait.

Turning into his driveway, Jason's eyes widen. Parking, he points. His motorcycle was parked by his house, gleaming in the setting sun, in new-looking condition. "What on earth..."

Getting out to take a closer look, sure enough, his bike had been completely fixed, washed, and even gased up. "Who..." Jason looks back to Katie, confused. "This has been sitting at Mike's since I wrecked it. You don't know who would have taken it to the shop, do you?"

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